Letter to the editor: Bristol-area rep enjoyed campaign, welcomes input

Dear Constituents,
One could write a book about one’s election campaign experiences. The encounters I had on the campaign trail showed a real mix of emotions, ones that were flattering, humbling, painful (one dog bite), frustrating, comedic, exciting, insulting, informative and colorful. We have a wonderfully diverse group of citizens in Bristol, Lincoln, Monkton and Starksboro. Speaking with constituents in the four towns gives one a great perspective as to what’s on people’s minds, and as a result, helps me in the decision making process in Montpelier.
Thanks to all who supported my re-election effort. I will do my best to confirm your faith in me. If anyone has questions or comments on the activity in the State House please email me at [email protected] or call me at 453-4391.
Fred Baser
Representative Addison-4

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