New Haven town budget draft includes pay raises

NEW HAVEN — The current preliminary draft of the 2017 New Haven town budget includes a wage increase of at least 3 percent for all town employees.
At its Nov. 15 meeting, the selectboard discussed and voted on additional wage changes for town employees:
•  Town clerk, town treasurer, 5 percent increase.
•  Zoning administrator, 6 percent increase.
•  Zoning administrator’s assistant, 5 percent increase.
•  Full-time road crew workers, 5 percent increase.
•  Selectboard clerk, 5 percent increase.
•  Development Review Board minute taker, 3 percent increase.
Additionally, the selectboard voted to pay all three town auditors $17 per hour and to pay all three listers $15 per hour.
Different selectboard members spoke out to recommend wage increases for different types of employees. Selectboard Chair Kathy Barrett made the motion to increase wages for the town clerk, treasurer, zoning administrator’s assistant, selectboard clerk and DRB minute taker. Selectman Doug Tolles moved to increase wages for the auditors and listers. And Selectman John Roleau moved to increase the zoning adminstrator’s wages and raised the discussion of wage increases for the fulltime road crew.
The selectboard will review its proposed wage changes and finalize them at its Dec. 6 meeting. The selectboard will continue to work on the draft 2017 budget to get it ready by late January, in time to be warned for Town Meeting Day.
New Haven residents will have their opportunity to vote that budget up or down on March 7.
Reporter Gaen Murphree is reached at [email protected].

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