Full day of activities planned for this Saturday’s Vergennes Holiday Stroll
VERGENNES — Citizens and visitors to Vergennes can eat breakfast with Santa Claus, take part in the Bixby Library silent auction, shop at city merchants and at an annual holiday craft fair and generally get in the holiday spirit this coming Saturday, Dec. 3, when the Little City hosts its annual Holiday Stroll.
The full day of activities will kick off when Santa pops up at the Vergennes Union High School cafeteria at a pancake breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m. in an event sponsored by VUHS students and Friends of Music.
After breakfast, see what’s on offer at the 16th annual Winter Holiday Craft Fair at Vergennes Union Elementary School, which runs from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The price of admission is canned goods or other non-perishable foodstuff for the local food shelf.
Bixby Memorial Library will host a holiday open house from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., which will include a silent auction of holiday baskets donated by local businesses and library patrons. Bidding on the goody-filled baskets closes at 1:45, with winners announced at 2 p.m.
At the library, Santa will read Clement Moore’s classic poem, “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” at around 10:45 a.m. Then Vermont singer/songwriter Jon Gailmor will entertain the jolly makers at the library around 11 a.m. Due to limited space and high demand, free tickets are required for the Gailmor performance; those interested may call 877-2211 for tickets.
Sometime during the day, you’ll want to stop in to see the entrants in the Gingerbread House Contest, which will be on display between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Individual/Family entries will be on display in the storefront at Luigi’s, and business entries will be displayed in the window of Vergennes Wine. The Basin Harbor Club is sponsoring the contest.
Kids who want to share their wish lists with Santa will have a chance during the afternoon. Santa’s Village will be open noon- 3 p.m. at the Vergennes Opera House. This is a chance to take some pictures with Santa (including a free 5×7 print), enjoy story time with Mrs. Claus, take part in gingerbread man decorating, write your letter to Santa and more.
Many Vergennes merchants will be offering promotions that day.
Night falls early in December and people in Vergennes will gather to mark the coming of the darkness with celebrations in City Park from 3-5:30 p.m. There will be toasty campfires, s’more making, Santa visits, musical performances — the Vergennes Partnership even advertised a petting zoo from 3:30-4:30 p.m. A high spot for many is the group caroling.
The evening ends with an appearance by the dazzling SD Ireland Holiday cement truck, which will be bedecked with hundreds and hundreds of Christmas lights — it is breathtaking. This amazing truck is due to arrive at 4:45 p.m.
Santa will make a grand entrance in the park via a classic car or truck at 5 PM.
Finally, Mayor Bill Benton will preside over the lighting of the trees.