Bristol Police Log: Bristol officers help troopers chase car

BRISTOL — Bristol police assisted Vermont State Police on Oct. 5 with a pursuit that ran from Lovers Lane onto Oak Lane.
State police arrested Andrew Malzac, 23, of Bristol for suspicion of driving while intoxicated, according to Bristol police, and another person for violating conditions of release.
According to a state police report, a trooper attempted to stop a vehicle after observing a traffic violation, but the vehicle, driven by Malzac, failed to stop when signaled to do so on Lovers Lane. The trooper reported that Malzac failed to comply when informed he was under arrest, and resisted.
State police cited Malzac for attempting to elude a police officer and resisting arrest. He is due to answer the charges in court next week.
In other activity Oct. 1-5, Bristol police:
• Notified the town highway foreman of potential traffic hazard (a loose rivet) on Main Street on Oct. 1.
• Received a report of a two-vehicle crash on Maple Street on Oct. 1. A trash hauler had backed into a parked vehicle causing damage; there were no injuries
• Responded to a report of a female screaming on her porch, disturbing neighbors at 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 1.
• Checked police district businesses and Mount Abraham Union High School on Oct. 2 and found all but one business secured.
• Served a final stalking order to a resident of the Kountry Trailer Park on Oct. 3.
• Responded to MAUHS for a reported student refusing to cooperate with staff members on Oct 3. An officer spoke with the student until a parent arrived and took the student home for the day.
• Took fingerprints for a prospective Addison Northeast Supervisory Union employee on Oct. 3.
• Conducted quarterly sex offender registry checks on Oct. 4. Police found all offenders to be in compliance.
• Received a credit card on Oct. 4 that had been found by a hiker on Lincoln Road.
• Responded to a district resident who reported on Oct. 4 that students were vandalizing and leaving trash on his property after school. Police notified day shift officers to conduct extra patrols in the area after school to move kids along.
• Took part in an online training on the 2016 domestic violence interview-investigation techniques on Oct. 5.
• Conducted a property watch on Oct. 5.
Chief Kevin Gibbs attended a “Safety Day” event at Beeman Elementary School on Oct. 5. Gibbs discussed his role as police chief, police officer and as the ANeSU truancy officer. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session. 

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