Letter to the editor: Stealing signs hurts free speech
We the below undersigned are disappointed that the lawn signs in support of Valerie Mullin are stolen from lawns in front of the homes of those who hope she will be elected to the Vermont House of Representatives.
When a family puts up a lawn sign, they are exercising their right of political free speech, a constitutionally protected freedom, a freedom envied throughout the world by people who do not enjoy the opportunity to vote in open and free elections.
More than that, lawn signs for Valerie represent the sincere hope of her supporters that state government can start living within its means, stop increasing the burden of taxes and fees, and start increasing the rate of economic growth.
Those who steal Valerie lawn signs, therefore, attempt to steal the hopes and dreams of those who display her signs.
We will not be intimidated. We will not surrender our rights to free speech. Nor our right to support openly the candidate of our choice.
We urge all those who have had their Valerie signs stolen, to contact Valerie for a replacement. Signs can be stolen, but your hearts and dreams cannot.
And for all those who want to restore balance and fiscal responsibility in Montpelier, while restoring job growth throughout Vermont, we encourage you to remain vigilant, steadfast and and strong. And to support candidates like Valerie, who feel the same.
Robert Cota, Monkton
Nancy Cota, Monkton
Wendy Chase, Bristol
Michael Chase, Bristol
Allan Ward, Bristol
Norman Morrill, Monkton
Susan Morrill, Monkton
Edward Oberle, Monkton
Ellen Perry, Monkton
James S. Schlesinger, Monkton
William Sayre, Bristol
Sandra Dragon, Brisol
Elizabeth Sayre, Bristol
Mark Deering, Bristol