Letter to the editor: Democratic, Progressive candidates the best choices

Thank you for your thoughtful comparison of our two main gubernatorial candidates. We agree that Sue Minter is the only choice if the state is to make reasonable progress in a wide range of critical areas. We urge our fellow citizens to elect her, understanding that she will need strong support but also considerable direction and pushing from a socially-committed Democratic-Progressive Legislature.
We hope that David Zuckerman will be elected lieutenant governor and, onourcounty and local levels, that Sen. Claire Ayer and Sen. Chris Bray will be re-elected along with the other excellent incumbent and new Addison County Democrats and Progressives. 
Please re-elect Amy Sheldon to represent Middlebury in the Vermont House and elect Jill Charbonneau, running as a Progressive, to Middlebury’s other House seat. Jill, like Amy, is  committed to affordable,universal healthcare,an enormously urgent and complicated topic, which, unfortunately, seems to be a real blind spot for Minter.
We need dedicated, knowledgeable and determined advocates in the Legislature and sustained public awareness and insistence to keep healthcare as a human right a top state priority.
Judy and Michael Olinick

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