Letter to the editor: Ayer’s work fighting climate change, pollution lauded

Sen. Claire Ayer advocates combatting climate change and improving surface water quality in Vermont.
Consider net metering. Sen. Ayer strongly supported the collaboration among Monument Farms Dairy, Champlain Valley Equipment and Vermont Hard Cider Co. that net metering made possible.
Monument Farms’ “Cow Power” digester is more efficient and produces more gas when cow manure is mixed with Vermont Hard Cider’s cider-making residue. Increased gas production translates into generating surplus electricity that accumulates energy credits.
Because of net metering Champlain Valley Equipment, in turn, contracted with Monument Farms and now buys Monument Farms’ energy.
But there is more.
Vermont Hard Cider wins by monetizing a byproduct that would otherwise present disposal challenges and likely enter the waste stream. Manure generated by the dairy, which would otherwise be spread on fields and risk flowing into waterways, is diverted to the digester that produces gas and electricity, and excellent bedding for the farm’s cows.
Net metering monetizes the surplus electricity generated by Cow Power, giving Monument Farms a powerful incentive to expand capacity. It also offers a model that is easily replicated in Vermont and beyond.
Here is but one example of how Sen. Ayer’s support of net metering combats climate change, contributes to improved surface water quality and increases renewables’ share of energy generation, all without challenging what makes Vermont a special place to live and visit.
Sen. Claire Ayer will continue fighting for net metering, against climate change and for improved surface water quality.
She has our votes. She deserves yours.
Michael and Shirley Claudon

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