Bristol water leaks draw official attention

BRISTOL — Bristol Selectman Joel Bouvier raised concerns about water system leaks on Pine and Mountain View streets during the Bristol selectboard’s meeting Monday. The utility management company 64 Seconds estimated the Pine Street leak at 20 gallons per minute and the Mountain View leak at 15 gallons per minute.
Town Administrator Therese Kirby said that repairs would be scheduled for this fall or next spring as soon as numbers are in on the cost of recent repairs to Rockydale Road and the cost to the town for water system access to Bristol Village Cohousing (which is being split between the town and the private project).
Kirby also reported to the selectboard that VTrans would be taking action to repair the faulty Walk button at the North Street corner of the intersections of North, South, West and Main streets.
In other business Monday, the selectboard entertained proposals for what to do next with the old firehouse on North Street (see story here) and also:
•  Approved Zachary Hines’ Eagle Scout project to construct a display for the Howden Hall bell.
•  Authorized $6,997.43 from the capital funds budget to purchase radio and communications equipment for the new fire station. Fire Chief Brett LaRose reported that to date $5,961 had been donated to the fund for fire department equipment.
•  Approved the street name “Sprout Street” for a new private road that will provide access from Mountain View Street to the Bristol Village Cohousing development. The name is in honor of Vermont Sprout House, also on Mountain View.
•  Authorized the town administrator to sign a quitclaim deed regarding the alleyway connecting School and Park streets.
•  Waived the penalty for late payment of homestead taxes.
Reporter Gaen Murphree is at [email protected].

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