Opinion: Ayer helped businessman cut through red tape

Sen. Claire Ayer has been an invaluable help to me as an owner of a restaurant in Middlebury. Due to my status as a permanent legal resident, I was unable to apply for a liquor license in the state of Vermont because of a bill that had been in place since prohibition, which only allows U.S. citizens to hold liquor licenses.
Sen. Ayer had caught wind of my plight and immediately began working on having the bill changed to allow permanent residents like myself the opportunity to apply for liquor licenses in order to grow their businesses.
This has been extremely important for my business and mepersonally becauseit has effectively made it easier to conduct business without restrictions. This is also important as I was essentially prohibited from applying for a license, which any other business so easily could apply for.
Sen. Ayer took it to both Senate and House committees of jurisdiction and the result was that the outdated law was amended in a short time.
This is testament that Sen. Ayer is a valuable, hard-working senator who really tries to help her constituents. I urge people to return her to the Senate in the election in November.
Carl Roesch

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