
Opinion: Bruhl a logical choice for Addison-5 House seat

Voters of Bridport, Weybridge, and New Haven: To borrow a phrase from Forrest Gump, “Politicians are like a box of chocolates — you never know what you’re gonna get.” With that in mind, I’d like to offer some insight into the box of chocolates with the odd name who’s campaigning to be your state representative.
I’m an engineer who now lives in Illinois, but Taborri Bruhl and I have been best friends since we almost blew ourselves up in the high school chemistry lab, and our families spend every Thanksgiving together at the Bruhl’s house in New Haven.
As such, I’m uniquely qualified to give you the inside scoop on this candidate. First and foremost, Taborri goes out of his way to develop balanced and informed opinions on whatever the subject may be; he’s always willing to consider the merits of an opposing point of view — and will change his mind if the facts support it.
I think this broad perspective is a product of his eclectic life experiences, which are even more unique than his first name — which his mother heard on the radio (if you can imagine)! After high school, Taborri put himself through college by delivering pizza and working at a diesel machine shop to augment a Marine Corps scholarship. As an officer in an infantry regiment in the Marine Corps during the first Gulf War, his unit was one of the first to cross the front lines to clear mines, hours before the full invasion.
After an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, he became a high school teacher and taught automotive technology, history and economics, and then went on to earn a master’s degree in the humanities. In 2003, Taborri designed and helped build the family’s timber-frame home, and then felled and milled trees from the property and built their barn. He then installed a wind tower behind the house and a bunch of solar panels on the barn roof to make their house net-zero and traded in their “regular” cars for two all-electric Nissan Leafs (though he kept his rust-bucket F150 farm truck for plowing). 
Whether it be agriculture, renewable energy, government budgeting, or economic fairness, you won’t find anyone who is more interested than Taborri in truly understanding the issues and working toward solutions that benefit all Vermonters.
In a nutshell, Taborri Bruhl is a generous, thoughtful, intelligent husband and father who I’m certain would do an excellent job of representing the constituents of Addison-5 in the Vermont statehouse.
Mark Carroll
Decatur, Ill.

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