Opinion: Clinton backers aren’t rational
This is in response to your editorial of Aug. 22. I realized from the editorial that you are strictly a party person. Obviously, it doesn’t matter what the candidate has done or not done as long as there is a “D” after their name.
Hillary’s supporters, in particular, defy rational thought, there are her obsessive compulsive lies over and over. And yet, for many of these same Americans it is Donald Trump whom they believe is untrustworthy. Do some of these words sound familiar?
You are not worried about Isis, Al Queda, etc., being able to walk freely over our border but you are worried about Russia. Maybe you should be, Hillary’s re-set button failed. Obama has decimated our military and we no longer have the ability to gather information. How about the Clintons’ involvement in the uranium sale to Russia?
Fox news gives you the whole story while ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC will only give you parts. We clearly understand the bias of the media.
No matter what Trump has said or done — nothing, nothing compares to the corruption Hillary has been involved in all of her public life. She was fired from the Watergate investigation by the Democrat heading it up because she mishandled the evidence.
Don’t forget Whitewater, Travelgate, Sandy Berger stealing classified documents for the Clintons. It goes on and on — the latest is the Clinton Foundation — funds from Saudi Arabia, corrupt African leaders, etc.
We all know Hillary has blood on her hands — Benghazi. Ambassador Stevens knew they were in extreme danger, particularly because the State Dept. was running guns through Benghazi. Six hundred requests for some security — none answered. Hillary was able to look at the parents of four murdered men and tell them it was a video — REALLY?
I watched as the bodies of these men arrived home and listened to Hillary lie — she is on tape lying!
I hate the idea of the first woman President, Democratic or Republican, being a woman devoid of integrity.
Karlene Callahan
P.S. Will Mr. Clinton have to sign in with the D.C. police as a sex offender?
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