Middlebury Police Log: Barre man cited for fourth DUI
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Paul R. Alzaga, 49, of Barre for driving under the influence (fourth offense) following a stop on Court Street on Aug. 26.
Police said Alzaga refused to submit to a breath test. Alzaga was lodged that evening for lack of bail.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Investigated a suspected vandalism case on Buttolph Drive on Aug. 23.
• Responded to a report of a man making harassing phone calls to Porter Hospital on Aug. 23.
• Got help for a drunken man who had gotten off the Addison County Transit Resources bus on Merchants Row during the afternoon of Aug. 23. Police said the man fell on Main Street, and was taken to Porter Hospital by Middlebury Regional EMS.
• Investigated a hit-and-run accident involving two vehicles in a Seymour Street parking lot on Aug. 24.
• Heard from a Middlebury College student who alleged that someone had used his credit card without his permission on Aug. 24.
• Warned a Burlington man who had allegedly been bothering a Middlebury woman via social media on Aug. 24.
• Were informed of the theft of a bike from in front of the National Bank of Middlebury on Main Street on Aug. 24.
• Responded to a verbal domestic dispute at a South Village Green residence on Aug. 25.
• Investigated a report of a person peeping into a Sugarwood Court resident’s windows on Aug. 25. Police found a suspect, who denied having spied on the resident.
• Cited Sean Devoid, 35, of Middlebury for possession of marijuana, following their investigation of a reported domestic argument at a Route 7 South residence on Aug. 25.
• Responded to a noise complaint on Mead Lane on Aug. 26 that resulted in Gregory McGrath, 20, of Middlebury being cited for furnishing alcohol to minors. Police said they issued court diversion paperwork to two minors for being in possession of alcohol.
• Warned a man to stop sending unwanted text messages to a Valley View resident on Aug. 26.
• Received a report that two mountain bikes had been stolen from a vehicle parked at a Brookside Drive residence on Aug. 26. Police said one of the bikes has been found, and the other is still missing.
• Continued an investigation on Aug. 26 into an allegation that someone had made death threats against a local woman via social media.
• Were informed of the theft of a bicycle from a barn off Seminary Street on Aug. 28. Police said the bike was found later that day.
• Responded to reports of two people panhandling on the town green on Aug. 28.
• Were informed of the theft of a 2004 Dodge pickup truck from the Washington Street Extension area on Aug. 28. Police said the vehicle was later found parked in the Frog Hollow area, and was returned to its owner.
• Received a report that someone had taken some money from an unlocked vehicle parked off Brookside Drive on Aug. 28.
• Received a report that someone might have entered a Washington Street home to steal an item from the refrigerator on Aug. 28.
• Were informed that someone had rummaged through a vehicle parked off East Road on Aug. 28.
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