Opinion: Vote for Green Party candidate for president urged
Our two party political system, now entrenched in and tied to excessive corporate power and abuse has failed us. The powers that be on both sides of the aisle have a very vested interest in continuing “business as usual” at the expense of our country, planet and democracy.
No matter what income bracket you fall under, unless you think endless war, climate change, increased domestic violence, racial tension, enormous economic disparity, an unhealthy and inequitable food system and a largely uneducated population are good for our country or the planet, one must question what has gone wrong and how we can change course.
The status quo mindset of voting the party line primarily because one side is trying to keep the other out of office (and third party candidates are shut out) is a sad commentary on our failed system and could be our demise. This model discourages constructive conversation and creative problem solving and increases the dysfunction and inequity we’ve been experiencing since the inception of our nation.
Voting for the “lesser of two evil’s” only begets more evil.
It is especially clear over the last 16 years that a two party system is responsible for endless gridlock at a huge expense to citizens. We’ve continued to dig ourselves deeper into a hole that is increasingly difficult to get out of. If we don’t take climate change seriously now, we will sink in the quicksand.
Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President is the only candidate that focuses on climate change, social and economic justice and the health of people and the planet as a priority in her platform.
Dr. Stein is charting a new course that has real promise for leading us out of the quagmire we’re in. Her “New Green Deal” calls for 100% renewable energy by 2030, which is tied into creating 20 million good paying jobs in the renewable energy sector.
I heard her speak when she was in Burlington. It was clear Jill Stein has listened to the voices and needs of diversified communities. Her well thought out platform is based on the principle of “People, Planet and Peace before profit” and addresses both domestic and International concerns that affect us all.
It is time for a change…real change; not a slight variation on a theme, but a complete revision of the song.
We could have a fresh start by electing a President from outside the establishment who will take the helm and with input from all of us, chart a new course to help create a world where we don’t just survive, but thrive, as a species.
If you take climate change seriously and want peace within and between nations, there is only one Presidential candidate to vote for, Dr. Jill Stein. She is strong, capable, trust worthy and would make an excellent President. We need to have the courage to “think outside the box” and vote for our values.
Elizabeth Frank
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