
Waterfowl permit applications due Aug. 22

ESSEX JUNCTION — Applications are available for controlled waterfowl hunting permits to be used at two Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department wildlife management areas. The applications may be downloaded from Fish and Wildlife’s website (www.vtfishandwildlife), and printed applications are available at the Vermont Fish and Wildlife offices in Montpelier, Essex Junction, Addison, Barre, St. Johnsbury, Springfield and Rutland. Hunting under controlled conditions for ducks at Mud Creek in Alburgh and geese at Dead Creek in Addison has been popular since the early 1970s. Applications must be filled out correctly and postmarked no later than Aug. 22. There is no fee to apply. A public drawing to award hunting permits will be held Friday, Aug. 26, at noon at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area headquarters off Route 17 in Addison. Attendance is not required. Successful applicants will be notified by mail and must pay a $10 permit fee on the day of the hunt. Pre-registered goose hunting at Dead Creek WMA will occur every Wednesday from Oct. 19 through Nov. 9.
Waterfowl hunting at Mud Creek WMA will be by pre-registration on Oct. 13 and 15. Any vacancies due to “no-shows” on those days will be filled on the morning of the hunt. All other Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays during the open seasons will be self-registration days. Permits will be available at the Mud Creek operations building. Duck season opens on Oct. 12, in the Lake Champlain and Interior Vermont Zones, and on Oct. 4, in the Connecticut River Zone. The Lake Champlain Zone has a split season (Oct. 12-16; Oct. 29-Dec. 22); the Interior Vermont Zone is a straight season (Oct. 12-Dec. 10); and the Connecticut River Zone is a split season (Oct. 4-Nov. 6; Nov. 22-Dec. 17). A statewide Vermont open hunting season for Canada geese will occur Sept. 1-25. A second Canada goose hunting season will be held Oct. 12-Nov. 30 in the Lake Champlain and Interior Vermont Zones. Canada goose hunting in the Connecticut River Zone will continue Oct. 4-Nov. 6 and Nov. 22-Dec. 27. Snow Goose hunting is open from Oct. 12- Dec. 31 in the Lake Champlain and Interior Vermont Zones and Oct. 4-Dec. 27 in the Connecticut River Zone. Be sure to read the 2016-2017 Syllabus of State and Federal Hunting Regulations for Migratory Birds available on Fish and Wildlife’s website and from license agents for detailed regulations.

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