Opinion: Charbonneau, Sheldon are touted
On August 9, I plan to support Jill Charbonneau and Amy Sheldon in the Democratic primary for Vermont House in Middlebury. Jill Charbonneau is running for her first term. Jill, who has been enthusiastically endorsed by Senator Bernie Sanders, will be a strong advocate for Vermont workers, as well as for moving forward on the goal of health care as a public good for all Vermonters and making higher education more affordable.
She worked as a letter carrier in Middlebury until her retirement last year, and has held many leadership positions in the union movement over the years, including President of the Vermont State Labor Council AFL-CIO and President of the Vermont State Association of Letter Carriers. As an advocate on many public issues over several decades, she would be a great addition to our Middlebury team of representatives and a devoted public servant.
Amy Sheldon has already been very effective in her first term and should be re-elected. She is a strong proponent for the environment, and sits on the Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources Committee. She was a moving force behind H857, a bill that will help preserve the integrity of our forests and wildlife habitat. She has also worked constructively on a number of other key environmental and social issues, including clean water, making polluters accountable, support of paid sick days and providing protection for first time home buyers.
I hope we can elect Jill Charbonneau and Amy Sheldon on August 9th. They will cover all the important bases — economic, environmental, health, education and social justice — and be a great team for Middlebury to send to Montpelier.
Ellen Oxfeld
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