Opinion: New Haven Vermont Green Line survey ready
We are hoping that residents of New Haven will come to the third and final informational meeting about the proposed agreement with the Vermont Green Line Devco, LLC (the Anbaric project) on Monday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m. in the New Haven Town Hall. We hope that if residents have questions and comments that they would come share them during this meeting. The purpose of the earlier two and this last information meeting has been to share information and to answer questions in hopes that the town’s people will be as informed as possible when they come to answer the one question survey. The survey results are to assist the selectboard in determining whether or not to support this project. There is a lot to consider, pros and cons. Your survey answer counts!
Our town has been gathering information and talking about this project for some time now. New Haven residents have the opportunity to let their voices be heard by completing the short survey next Monday. We strongly encourage all residents to please come out and complete the survey. The survey is available at the town office 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18; Thursday, May 19; and Monday, May 23. The survey will also be available all day at the town hall on Tuesday, May 24, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
We care what you think — it is your town, please let your voice be heard!
Carole Hall and Steve Dupoise
New Haven
Editor’s note: The letter writers are the point people for the selectboard in negotiations with developers of the Vermont Green Line.
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