
State trout season begins on Saturday

MONTPELIER — Vermont’s traditional trout fishing season is set to open on Saturday, April 9, and officials from Vermont Fish & Wildlife say the mild winter could be a boon for early season trout action across the state.
“Snow is either already gone or disappearing from the riverbanks quickly,” said Eric Palmer, fisheries director with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. “Anglers should have good access to rivers and streams throughout the state, and water temperatures may warm up enough to get the trout moving and feeding early this year.”
Vermont’s spring trout season, which is well known among resident and non-resident anglers alike, can often afford an angler the greatest opportunity to catch trout in rivers and streams.
“Some of the biggest trout caught in Vermont rivers each year are taken during the spring season,” said Palmer. “And, given the current conditions, you may see some really nice trout taken starting on April 9.”
Vermont is known for its excellent fishing opportunities for wild trout, as well as for stocked trout — including large, 2-year-old “trophy” trout that will be stocked statewide later in the spring. Early spring fishing is generally supported by wild trout, while much of the stocking in streams and rivers gets under way in early May.
Nearly 20,000 large “trophy” trout will be stocked throughout Vermont in 2015, and anglers will be able to fish over 18 miles of rivers and 25 lakes and ponds that are designated as trophy water.
“Vermont’s strong trout populations are supported by quality, diverse habitats ranging from small mountain brooks to larger rivers and even cold-water ponds that hold numbers of trout,” said Palmer. “Ultimately, this makes for great fishing opportunities and a really enjoyable outdoor activity for everyone from the avid angler to families and friends looking to enjoy Vermont’s great outdoors. And, fresh-cooked Vermont trout is truly delicious if you choose to keep your catch.”
Anglers who like to fish and release their catch don’t need to wait for opening day. There are year-round catch-and-release fishing opportunities for trout and bass in Vermont.
Planning a Vermont spring fishing trip is easy. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has issued the “2016 Vermont Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Laws and Guide” that includes maps showing lakes and streams as well as fishing access areas and public lands. 
The guide also lists the fish species found in each body of water and includes the state’s fishing regulations. Copies are available where fishing licenses are sold, or by calling the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department at 802-828-1000. Sections of the publication can also be downloaded from www.vtfishandwildlife.com.
Additionally, anglers can visit www.vtfishandwildlife.com to purchase a fishing license, view department trout stocking schedules and learn more about fishing in Vermont.

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