County voters endorse Bernie Sanders, John Kasich

ADDISON COUNTY — Addison County residents resoundingly picked Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary for president, and narrowly selected Ohio Gov. John Kasich over New York businessman Donald Trump in the Republican primary.
Results collected from Addison County polling places showed Kasich came out on top with 1,144 votes, compared to 1,103 for Trump.
Trump visited Burlington earlier this winter, while Kasich came to the Green Mountain State just before Tuesday’s elections.
Trump finished on top in 13 of Addison County’s 23 communities, but Kasich took the overall win due mainly to his 209 to 88 edge in Middlebury.
Marco Rubio finished third among Republicans in Addison County, with 751 votes, followed by 470 for Ted Cruz and 165 for Ben Carson.
Sanders, meanwhile, topped Democratic frontrunner and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by a whopping 7,733 to 1,111 on the Democrat ballot in Addison County. Sanders out-polled Clinton in all 23 Addison County communities, including by 1,470 to 317 in Middlebury, 524 to 46 in Monkton, and 822 to 76 in Bristol.

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