2016 Goshen Town Meeting Wrap Up
GOSHEN — At Goshen’s town meeting on Monday night, residents passed town spending measures, but only after making cuts to selectboard proposals. They backed a general fund budget of $232,673, which was $500 less than proposed. An expected revenue increase from recycling income allowed most of that move, town officials said.
Goshen residents also backed cutting $4,000 of materials and labor from the board’s proposed highway budget and eventually backed $187,200 of spending on the roads.
Spending on both budgets is still significantly higher than a year ago.
Residents chose candidates for town offices, cast presidential primary votes, and weighed in on the Otter Valley Unified Union School District budget via Australian ballot on Tuesday; school ballots were commingled. Voters overwhelmingly approved a budget for the new OVUU School District, formed under the state’s Act 46 school consolidation bill. The $22,604,806 OVUU spending plan passed by a tally of 1,920-846 by voters in Brandon, Pittsford, Goshen, Leicester, Whiting and Sudbury.
Town candidates were unopposed. Among those re-elected to their offices were Dave McKinnon as a selectman, Rosemary McKinnon as town clerk and Vickee Whiting as treasurer.
John Kasich was the top vote-getter among Republican primary candidates in Goshen with 13, followed by Donald Trump, 4; Ben Carson, 3; and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, 1 apiece.
Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton in Goshen on the Democratic side, 55-14.