Opinion: Charter House Coalition seeks financial support

Many of you signed a petition asking the town of Middlebury to help to support the shelter and free meals programs of the Charter House Coalition. As a result of the petition, the town meeting warning includes and article to include this request in the Fiscal Year 2017 (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018) budget. The vote will be by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 1; the polls will be open from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. at the municipal gym.
Therefore, it is important for voters who support these programs to go to the polls in order to pass the proposal by voting Yes on Article 9.
Last year the coalition served 28,000 free meals. Anyone who is food-insecure can enjoy a free meal every day of the week. Four families with nine children now occupy the upstairs shelter at Charter House and 13 singles typically sleep downstairs every night. There is no doubt that this agency is needed.
While volunteers from any organizations all over the country provide most of the labor needed to operate these programs and much food is donated, there are many expenses. Thanks for your help in securing town support.
Betty Thurber

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