Vergennes Police Log: City police deal with many calls
VERGENNES — Between Feb. 8 and 22, Vergennes police dealt with a variety of incidents, including a number of drivers possessing marijuana, two family disturbances, continued violations of the city’s winter parking ban, one motorist who hit triple digits on a radar gun, and an apparent tax-fraud case.
In that two-week period, Vergennes police:
• On Feb. 8 sent the department Drug Recognition Expert to help Rutland police. On the way back to Vergennes, the officer saw a car weaving on the road in Rutland and cited a driver into court for driving under the influence of alcohol.
• On Feb. 8 told kids to put a campfire out near Otter Creek and First Street.
• At a Feb. 8 traffic stop ticketed the driver for operating without a license and marijuana possession, one passenger for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia, a second passenger for marijuana possession, and a third passenger for possession of an open container of alcohol.
• On Feb. 8 calmed a family fight on Scovil Lane.
• On Feb. 9 issued two tickets for violations of the city’s wintertime overnight parking ban.
• On Feb. 9 took a complaint about a fraudulent Social Security mailing.
• At a Feb. 9 traffic stop ticketed a driver for driving with a civilly suspended license, marijuana possession, and driving without insurance.
• On Feb. 9 stopped two vehicles after taking a report that one was chasing another. Police said the incident stemmed from a fight in Middlebury, and they took statements on behalf of Middlebury police for their investigation.
• On Feb. 10 advised a man who said another man was stalking him.
• On Feb. 10 grounded a tractor-trailer truck for having an expired registration after stopping it on West Main Street for defective equipment.
• On Feb. 11 saw an Audi run the stop sign through the intersection of South Water and Main streets and then flee at about 100 mph on Sand Road. Police discontinued pursuit for safety reasons, but an investigation continues.
• On Feb. 11 dealt with a minor accident at the intersection of West Main and Canal streets.
• On Feb. 11 calmed an unruly juvenile at a Monkton Road home.
• On Feb. 11 dealt with a minor accident on School Street.
• On Feb. 12 ticketed a driver for speeding and possession of marijuana and paraphernalia.
• On Feb. 13 checked the welfare of a First Street resident, who was found to be OK.
• On Feb. 13 began investigating a woman’s complaint that she was assaulted while being removed from the City Limits bar.
• On Feb. 14 calmed a mother-daughter dispute at a West Main Street residence; police said the daughter also spoke to them the next day at the police station and became confrontational.
• On Feb. 14 issued three tickets for violations of the city’s wintertime overnight parking ban.
• On Feb. 16 were told by a woman that when she filed her tax return she received a letter back from the IRS indicating it had already been filed; police told her to report the apparent fraud to the attorney general’s office.
• On Feb. 16 took a report that a resident had received a letter with graphic content from an out-of-state resident; police contacted police from the sender’s hometown and determined the sender was emotionally disturbed and upset at the time, but not dangerous.
• On Feb. 16 ticketed a driver for speeding (55 mph in a 30 mph zone) and possession of marijuana.
• On Feb. 18 shepherded two loose cows on Green Meadow Acres until their owner could collect them.
• On Feb. 19 accepted a black wallet found near a Main Street business, but because it contained no ID have not been able to return it to its owner.
• On Feb. 19 served subpoenas to two First Street residents.