Film paints man who brought Impressionism to light

MIDDLEBURY — “The Impressionists and the Man Who Made Them,” a major new film offering a fresh perspective on the Impressionists through the life and work of the man who introduced them to the world — Paul Durand-Ruel — will play at Town Hall Theater in Middlebury on Wednesday, March 2, at 11 a.m.
Based on the “Inventing Impressionism” exhibition, which recently opened at the National Gallery London, “The Impressionists” focuses on 19th-century Parisian art collector Paul Durand-Ruel. It was his continual support, championing, financial backing and refusal to give up that established one of the most loved and recognizable movements in Western art — Impressionism.
 ThefilmchartsDurand-Ruel’s relationship withartistsincluding Manet,Monet,Degas, Cézanne, RenoirandPissarro,and hisdeterminationtosupportthemintheunforgivingenvironmentof 19th-centuryParis,throughtheFranco-Prussian War,alongsidedealingwiththeblowsofhis own personal life—losinghis wifeand caring fortheirfivechildren.
Fromtheartists’earlystrugglestobeacceptedat theSalon,tothewidespreadridiculeand derisionthatfollowedwhen their workwasexhibitedinParis, tohis bravedecisiontoexhibit theserevolutionaryand radical newartistsin America, thefilmfollowsDurand-Ruel’s extraordinarystorythatfinallybroughttheImpressioniststheworldwiderespectthatthey sought and that changed theartworldforever.
Alongsidetheopportunity toseesomeoftheImpressionists’mostfamousworksupcloseonthe bigscreen,thefilmoffers diaryextractsandinsightsfromDurand-Ruelandtheartistsintheirown words,withDurand-Ruelvoiced byRobertLindsay.
Thefilmalsoventuresbehindthescenesasthe galleriesprepareforoneoftheirbiggest exhibitionsof theyear.Cinema audienceswillenjoyexclusiveaccesstothecurators astheytalk aboutthepaintingsincludedintheexhibitionandmake crucialdecisionsaboutwhereandhow tohang thisremarkablecollectionofart.
Tickets are $10/$5 students and may be purchased at, 802-382-9222, at the THT box office, or at the door.

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