Opinion: Nuovo has been a great leader

We would like to add our appreciation and admiration of Rep. Betty Nuovo to the warm and eloquent comments in John Flowers’ recent article.
Betty’s colleagues and friends have beautifully captured much of the spirit and substance of her long service to Middlebury, Addison County and Vermont.
Her dedication and availability to her constituents, her helpfulness to fellow legislators, her honesty, her seemingly boundless energy and capacity for work along with her humor, good cheer and enthusiasm are described with well-earned affection and gratitude. She has been a strong voice for many important causes, especially including marriage equality in the very early days.
We’ll miss seeing Betty going door-to-door at election time and hearing her colorful commentaries on proceedings in Montpelier; but we know she’ll continue to work for the good of our state and its citizens.
It has been a pleasure and privilege to support Betty’s campaigns and to have her as our representative. We wish her a long, happy, healthy retirement.
Judy and Michael Olinick, Middlebury

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