Porter to raffle off beautiful Rory Jackson landscape painting
MIDDLEBURY — A new original painting, donated by renowned local artist Rory Jackson and Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury, will be the featured raffle prize at the Feb. 5 Porter Medical Center benefit event, which will be held at Two Brothers Tavern in Middlebury beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tickets for the event itself, which will feature delicious local foods and beverages, are $35 per person and raffle tickets for the painting, created specifically for this event, are $10 each.
The painting is 28 by 35 inches, oil on canvas, and illustrates a lovely Vermont scene and Jackson’s self-described aim of “bringing to life these moments we observe.”
Jackson says, “As a painter, my aim is to bring to life a presence to the viewer, a relationship between the earth and the people who hold covenant with it. Whether is it through light, reflection, movement or design, I want to bring everlasting life to a moment in time.”
Jackson spends time between his home in Lincoln and the beach of Cape Three Points, Ghana. While painting the landscape of Vermont, he focuses on the dramatic light, and space around the mountains and valleys, pivoting on his favorite Mount Abe. In Ghana, Jackson spends time studying seascapes, village scenes, boats and the reflective light and movement of the sea and the life that depends on its abundance.
“All honest observation absorbs into my successes a true vibrancy of life. The balance of the two places keeps my interest in subject matter fresh, while marking each year’s progress in two very different seasons.”
“We are grateful beyond words to Rory Jackson and Edgewater Galleries for donating this incredible painting for our raffle and in support of the important work of Porter Medical Center,” said PMC Auxiliary President Jan Bark. “This will be a great evening and event for Porter Medical Center and a great evening for the lucky person who buys the winning raffle ticket for this magnificent original painting.”
This event is organized and hosted by the Porter Medical Center Auxiliary, which raises funds to support the community programs and vital mission of Porter Hospital and Helen Porter Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center.
Both event and raffle tickets may be purchased online at www.portermedical.org or by calling Nicole Webb at 388-5649. Raffle entrants do not have to purchase event tickets or be present at the event to win the raffle.