
Middlebury Police Log for Dec. 17: Escapee arrested in Middlebury

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police arrested Jessica Freeguard, 28, of Whitehall, N.Y., on an outstanding warrant as an escapee on Dec. 13. Police located Freeguard at the intersection of Court Square and Court Street.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Received a report that a man with a shopping cart in The Centre parking lot had allegedly tried to enter a vehicle with a woman in it on Dec. 7. Police found no one answering the man’s description in the area.
• Cited Shawna Johnson, 35, of Ripton for retail theft, after she allegedly stole some items from Hannaford Supermarket on Dec. 7.
• Were informed on Dec. 7 of the theft of some unspecified items from the Otter Creek Children’s Center on Weybridge Street on Dec. 7.
• Helped resolve an ongoing dispute between two Middlebury Union High School students on Dec. 7.
• Arranged for the parents of an uncooperative student to pick up their child at MUHS on Dec. 7.
• Furnished a no-trespass order to Verizon for an employee being fired from the Court Street business on Dec. 8.
• Were informed of the theft of a tire and a rim from a North Pleasant Street residence on Dec. 8.
• Contacted Counseling Service of Addison County after learning of a local resident who had texted someone at MUHS indicating he was considering harming himself on Dec. 8.
• Were informed of the theft of a Stihl chainsaw and assorted Craftsman sockets and wrenches from a Creek Road residence on Dec. 8.
• Contacted the parent of a student in Catamount Park who was allegedly out of control and throwing things on Dec. 8.
• Assisted The Diner in removing a person from that Merchants Row restaurant on Dec. 8. The man was also issued a no-trespass order, according to police.
• Investigated three minor, suspicious fires on the Middlebury College campus on Dec. 9.
• Received a report about an MUHS student issuing threats to staff on Dec. 9. The school resource officer and CSAC intervened, according to police.
• Assisted an MUHS student who was receiving unwanted contact from another person on school grounds on Dec. 9.
• Investigated a report of a man walking shoeless on Route 7 South on Dec. 9. Police found the man, who said he was OK and did not want a ride.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a non-responsive woman who had fallen from a horse on South Street Extension on Dec. 10.
• Responded to a report of a “disoriented” man walking on Route 7 North on Dec. 10. Police were unable to locate such a man.
• Assisted a local resident who reported receiving harassing phone calls from an MUHS student on Dec. 10.
• Responded to a report of an “out of control” student at MUHS on Dec. 10. Police said the student was being loud and was using abusive language.
• Warned a man who was violating the town’s open container law on Short Shannon Street on Dec. 11.
• Responded to a noise complaint at a Shannon Street residence on Dec. 11.
• Investigated a report that some “college-age kids” were going to go swimming in the Otter Creek in the Frog Hollow area on Dec. 11. The report proved to be inaccurate, police said.
• Responded to a report of a wounded deer at the intersection of Valley View Drive and Seminary Street Extension on Dec. 11.
• Responded to a report of a drunken woman near the intersection of Cedar Court and Buttolph Drive on Dec. 11. Police said the woman was taken to Porter Hospital.
• Investigated a motor vehicle accident on The Centre parking lot on Dec. 11.
• Cited an MUHS juvenile student for being in possession of marijuana and alcohol on campus on Dec. 11.
• Contacted CSAC’s action team to help a child reportedly out of control at Mary Hogan Elementary School on Dec. 11.
• Received a report from a Middlebury College student who said her ID card and her home state driver’s license had been stolen from her jacket while in the Main Street area on Dec. 11.
• Cited Craig Mannett, 26, of Brockton, Mass., for driving under the influence, following a traffic stop on Weybridge Street on Dec. 13. Police said they measured Mannett’s blood-alcohol content at 0.104 percent; the legal limit for driving is 0.08.
• Cited Vilija T. Bizinkauskas, 27, of Middlebury for driving under the influence, following a stop for speeding on Court Street on Dec. 13. Police said they measured Bizinkauskas’ blood-alcohol content at 0.188 percent.
• Responded to a report of a loud party at a Cross Street residence on Dec. 13. Police contacted the homeowners, who promised to  turn down music and start sending people home.
• Were informed on Dec. 14 that Middlebury Beef on Route 7 South had received three bad checks. The business also turned in seven checks from banks that were marked “insufficient funds.”
• Responded to a report of illegal dumping near the Sand Hill Bridge off Route 125 East on Dec. 14. Police continue to investigate the matter.

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