Note of appreciation: Community support made pumpkin patch a success

Helen Porter Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center gives a great big THANK YOU to all of you who worked with us to make this year’s Lighted Pumpkin Patch possible with over 700 carved and lit pumpkins as well as 200 luminaries cut by the Durham family. This is truly a community event, both supported and enjoyed by our community that literally hundreds of our area residents are a part of. 
This year we were not sure we’d have enough pumpkins for the lighted patch, but thanks to generous pumpkin donations by Lester Farm, Gladstone Farm, Golden Russet Farm, Elmer Farm, Foster Bros. Farm, Foxcroft Farm and many gardening families, we were able to have the show. Many homeschoolers, high school and college students, Girl Scouts, Helen Porter staff, family members and volunteers cleaned and carved pumpkins.
Volunteers also helped set up and light pumpkins, serve refreshments, clean up and more. Middlebury Community Players loaned props for our indoor Pumpkins in the Park display that Crystal Jackson worked with us to make. Our activities department organized all of this to make it come together for the residents and community.
After the show many carved pumpkins were chosen to decorate local homes and the remaining pumpkins were picked up for livestock feed by local farmers. Thanks to all who joined with us to make such a beautiful community event here at Helen Porter Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center.
Judy Doria, HPHRC Activities Director, Middlebury

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