Opinion: Going with the flow, fast or slow, the safest on roads

It’s called the “Solomon Curve” or “Crash Risk Curve” — and the deal is this: If you are not going with the flow of traffic you are more likely to cause an accident. That includes driving too slowly, especially on a road like 22A.
Even though I am not often in a hurry, getting stuck behind a car doing 30-35 in a 50 mph zone irks me. Trapped behind a car taking its sweet time, along with a dozen other frustrated travelers, is dangerous. If you don’t feel safe driving your car at the suggested speed you might rethink your driving status. Inevitably the culprits are elderly. I am heading in that direction myself but who wants to give up their driver’s license, especially in a rural state where public transportation is scarce.
A few years ago, my uncle drove himself to an eye appointment. After the exam, the doctor asked how he got to the office. When my uncle admitted he’d driven himself, the doctor asked for, and confiscated, his license. “You can’t drive, you’re almost blind,” he said. “Yes, but I know that road from memory!” my uncle answered.
Fine. But the Solomon Curve suggests that speed variation is the major cause of accidents. If you can’t “go with the flow” you are putting others at risk. Pull over every five miles and let the long line of cars behind you pass by. I suspect you would do so if you noticed, but you seem oblivious, which is more frightening than your driving.
Laurel Casey

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