Opinion: ANeSU leader’s absence is noted
Regarding the recent article on the proposed mediation for the Addison Northeast Supervisory Union (ANeSU), I feel that I need some clarification.
In the article it was stated that Superintendent David Adams could not be reached for comment because he was on vacation. This during what is arguably the most important time during the school year, when teachers, staff, students and parents are all getting their feet on the ground for the new school year. Seriously?
What a stark contrast with Peter Burrows, superintendent of the Addison Central Supervisory Union, who, on the first day of school, rode his bike to every school in the district to meet with students and teachers.
It seems to me that perhaps mediation is not what is really required for ANeSU but, rather, a superintendent who is truly involved with the well-being of all of the folks who make up the community of schools in the district. I hope that, whatever the process, that ANeSU comes out stronger and healthier.
Eric Hanson