Opinion: Store plans ‘sunflower trade’ day
The Addison Four Corners store is offering a “ sunflower trade” day on Saturday, Sept. 19. Bring in four sunflowers in trade for a breakfast sandwich.
For each sunflower we receive we will donate $2 to the Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund. Please help us to help others that are being persecuted for their choice of faith. Christianity is being forced to retreat and give ground to terrorists, while our government doesn’t make a peep about it. Is that because of the election campaigns?
I am baffled and dismayed at our government’s lack of response to this situation. We can’t even make a statement on the matter? As far as our politicians go it is like this is not even happening.
So, find a sunflower donor in your community and see us here for breakfast on the 19th, and share your love. We can make a difference even if our politicians won’t.
Teresa Glidden