Scholar to talk about the future of writing

MIDDLEBURY — EastView at Middlebury will host a talk by writer/carver/painter Tim Brookes on Monday, Aug. 24, at 7 p.m. In “Disappearing Alphabets and the Future of the Written Word,” Brookes explores what the age of digital convergence, Twitter, and e-books means for the future of written language.
Brookes offers a remarkable and thought-provoking perspective on this question by looking at 13 forms of writing from all over the world that are in danger of extinction. He displays a sample of each script, leading a discussion on how technology will help — and always has helped — define the nature of communication, and shows how the story of a culture can be seen in its writing — even if that writing is (as in these examples) beautiful, bizarre, utterly unfamiliar and disappearing.
This is a free Vermont Humanities Council event. For more information, call EastView at Middlebury, (802) 989-7500.

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