Rouse honored for service to the community
MIDDLEBURY — John Rouse, owner of Rouse Tire in Middlebury, says he was surprised to receive the American Legion Community Service Award at a special Legion dinner earlier this year. Rouse is well known locally for his involvement in sports, both as a former student at Middlebury Union High School and currently as a sidelines coach for the MUHS varsity football team, as well as for being the president of the Friends of Middlebury Football.
Rouse is also a member of the local Rotary as well as the road commissioner for the town of Salisbury and on that town’s selectboard.
John’s philanthropic work across the state, however, is less well known. He consistently supports the following, just to name a few: Twin State Field Hockey, Middlebury Lions Club, Vermont Tractor Pullers Association, Ripton Ridge Run, Face Off Against Breast Cancer, Addison County Fair and Field Days, Middlebury Amateur Hockey Association, Shriners, Middlebury American Legion, Addison County American Legion Baseball Team, Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, Bridport Grange, all the Addison County fire departments, snowmobile clubs, Henry Sheldon Museum, Middlebury Memorial Sports Center, Snake Mountain Cruisers, Vermont Gold Association Scholarship Fund, Addison County Farm bureau, local school alumni associations, Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police Scholarship Fund, and numerous school programs and clubs. According to Legion officials, Rouse is the epitome of the saying “local boy makes good” and has continuously paid it forward.
Tom Scanlon, adjutant of Middlebury American Legion Post 27, said his organization is proud to acknowledge John Rouse for his community service.