Middlebury Police Log: Woman cited for DUI second offense
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Bonny Sullivan, 59, of Middlebury for driving under the influence (second offense) after she allegedly drove off Seminary Street Extension and down an embankment on May 5.
Police said they measured Sullivan’s blood-alcohol content at 0.13 percent. The legal limit for driving is 0.08.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Investigated a report of a man and a woman looking into vehicles in the Middlebury College campus parking lot off Freeman Way on May 4. Police were unable to locate the pair.
• Helped Middlebury Regional EMS with a man who had punched out a window after his father would not let him into his apartment on North Pleasant Street on May 4. The man was taken to Porter Hospital for treatment of a laceration to his right arm, according to police.
• Investigated an attempted entry into Vermont Soap on May 4.
• Served a no-trespass order on a man who was not wanted at a North Pleasant Street business on May 4.
• Assisted a local resident whose credit card had been fraudulently used in New Jersey on May 4.
• Helped a man who alleged that he had been threatened by another man in the Maple Street area on May 4.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a Cedar Court woman who had taken a large number of prescription pills on May 5.
• Quieted a loud party in the Butternut Ridge Road neighborhood on May 5. Police also ordered the hosts to extinguish a bonfire. There is currently a state law prohibiting all outdoor burning.
• Investigated a dispute between some Valley View neighbors regarding children allegedly throwing balls at an apartment window on May 5.
• Were informed of the possible theft of a jet ski cover and key from the Lower Foote Street area on May 5.
• Received a report on May 5 of a vehicle speeding up and down Schoolhouse Hill Road.
• Investigated a report about some children allegedly breaking bottles on Seymour Street Extension on May 5.
• Took into custody, on behalf of the South Burlington Police Department, Middlebury resident Bilal Griffith, 19, on May 5. Police said Griffith had been accused of a domestic assault that allegedly occurred May 4 in South Burlington.
• Assisted an East Middlebury resident in obtaining a temporary restraining order and collecting some of her property from her residence on East Main Street on May 5.
• Cited Jamie Jennings, 37, who is homeless, for violation of a prevention order, driving with a suspended license and violation of his conditions of release, following a report of someone damaging a vehicle in the Jackson Lane area on May 6.
• Assisted Middlebury Animal Hospital with a bad check complaint on May 6.
• Assisted a local man on May 6 who reported getting a bad check from the purchaser of an item he had placed on Craigslist.
• Issued trespass notices to three juveniles who had allegedly been disturbing a Charles Avenue resident on May 6.
• Investigated a report of a suspicious person in the Cedar Court neighborhood on May 6. The caller reported a man had entered her apartment, left, and was then seen looking into vehicles in the nearby parking lot. Officers searched the area, but were unable to locate anyone. The man is described as being white, slim build and dark hair, wearing a brown jacket.
• Were informed of the theft of a watch from Middlebury College student housing on Chateau Road on May 7.
• Assisted with a child custody issue at a South Village Green residence on May 7.
• Continued investigating allegations on May 7 of the possible financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult residing in the South Village Green neighborhood.
• Cautioned a man about sleeping in the municipal park off Merchants Row on May 7. Police said the man went to sleep at a friend’s house.
• Assisted Middlebury College Public Safety with a drunken man that a student was reporting as attempting to steal a bike from campus on May 8. Police served a no-trespass order on the man.
• Responded to a report of dogs barking in the Mead Lane area on May 8.
• Assisted a Case Street man with a possible Craigslist scam on May 8.
• Were informed of a custody dispute regarding a parent picking up a child at an Exchange Street child care facility on May 8. Police said the child care facility was not aware of a new court order relating to custody.
• Responded to a trespassing complaint at a North Pleasant Street business on May 8.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with an accidental overdose case on Monroe Street on May 8.
• Warned two men on College Street on May 8 for violating the town’s ordinance against public urination.
• Warned a Middlebury College student for violating the town’s open container ordinance on College Street on May 8.
• Responded to a trespassing complaint in the Court Street Extension area on May 9.
• Investigated a report of an unknown person selling guns out of their car off Court Street on May 9. Police determined it was a juvenile buying an Airsoft gun.
• Investigated a domestic disturbance at an Ossie Road home on May 10. Police said it was a verbal argument between a man and a woman.
• Assisted Porter Hospital with a patient who was attempting to leave the campus on May 10.
• Took into protective custody a man who had allegedly made a rude gesture to a state trooper who had passed him on Route 7 North on May 10. Police said the man is believed to have been suffering from a mental health issue, and put him in touch with counseling officials.
• Responded to a reported fight between two juvenile siblings at a Jackson Lane home on May 10.
• Investigated an accident, with injuries, at the intersection of Main and North Pleasant streets on May 10.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a youth who was having medical problems related to cocaine ingestion in the Adirondack Circle area on May 10.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS and Middlebury College Public Safety with an intoxicated student on Hepburn Road on May 10.
• Warned two students for being in the St. Mary’s Cemetery after hours at around 1:30 a.m. on May 10.
• Responded to larceny complaints in the East Munger and College street neighborhoods on May 11.
• Removed a disruptive student from Middlebury Union High School on May 11.
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