Number of deer weighed in 2014 drops
ADDISON COUNTY — When the last muzzleloader shot echoed through the woods earlier this month, concluding the final Vermont deer season of 2014, the county’s total of deer taken between October and December stood at 724, the second lowest figure since 2008.
That overall count of deer weighed at one of Addison County’s nine official weigh stations includes 359 deer killed during November’s rifle season, 107 during November’s Youth Hunting Weekend, 106 during December’s muzzleloader season, and 152 during the two-part archery season, including sessions in October and December.
Since 2008, the totals have ranged from a low of 671 in 2011, when poor weather plagued hunters and a tough previous winter thinned the deer herd, to a high of 1,024 in 2008.
The seven-year average now stands at 852. In 2013 hunters claimed 807 deer.
Weigh station operators said the hunters they spoke to reported seeing plenty of deer, and in an Oct. 29 press release, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists estimated the size of the state’s deer herd at 135,000, larger than in some recent years.
Some local observers, including Vermont Field Sports owner Dick Phillips, said he believed there were simply fewer hunters in the county.
Still, there was some good news: Weigh station operators all reported the animals they weighed had been healthy and bigger than last year. And statistics bore them out: The average weight of a buck taken locally during rifle season bounced back to 145 pounds from a low of 141 pounds in 2013.
That weight is more in line with the numbers from 2012 (146 pounds) and 2011 (144 pounds).
The average weight had dipped down to 139 in 2010 after a tough winter, and the average in both 2008 and 2009 was 141 pounds.
The uptick in weight starting in 2011 is generally attributed to the 2005 regulation that made it illegal to shoot “spikehorn” bucks. That law redefined a legal buck as “a deer with at least one antler having two or more points.” It was created in order to allow deer to mature and offer hunters bigger animals with better antler racks as targets, and many believe it has met that goal.
Observers also said the does taken appeared larger in 2014.
“There were some big doe this year,” said Robert Bedell of Bristol’s Green Mountain Trails End.
The scan of deer weighed in the county over the past several years reads:
• 724 deer in 2014 (359 rifle, 107 youth, 152 bow, 106 muzzleloader).
• 807 deer in 2013 (421 rifle, 109 youth, 132 bow, 145 muzzleloader).
• 875 deer in 2012 (405 rifle, 124 youth, and 346 bow/muzzleloader).
• 671 in 2011 (329 rifle, 110 youth, 232 bow/muzzleloader).
• 1,021 in 2010 (428 rifle, 95 youth weekend, 498 bow/muzzleloader).
• 840 in 2009 (301 rifle, 91 youth, 448 bow/muzzleloader).
Two bow hunters took down bucks in Shoreham that tipped the scales at Buxton’s Store at more than 190 pounds: Joe LaRock shot a 195-pound, 6-pointer, and Glenn Telgen killed a 194-pound, 8-pointer.
In all the seasons, only one deer topped 200 pounds: Ryan Fortune shot a 200-pound, 8-pointer in Cornwall during rifle season and had it weighed at New Haven’s Village Green Market. Typically, county hunters shoot several bucks in excess of 200 pounds.
The following hunters brought deer to one of the local reporting stations during the bow or muzzleloader seasons. They are listed by name, town of kill, and pounds and gender, plus points if a buck.
C&S Hunting Sports owner Steve Ploof was able to supply an accurate count of his results, but not names and deer details due to lingering power and computer problems after the recent snowstorm. C&S results will be published in a future edition.
Michael Twombly, Sudbury, 163-pound doe; Randy Hamilton, Salisbury, 148-pound, 8-point buck; Thomas Murphy, Goshen, 135-6 buck; Timothy Whitney, Benson, 130 doe; Frank Raymond, Addison, 128 doe; Philip Cyr, Orwell, 120 doe; and Jeffery Galipeau, Benson, 119 doe.
Also, Colin Jennings, Orwell, 115 doe; David Dupoise, Hubbardton, 112 doe; Suzanne Bonneau, Brandon, 104 doe; Sondra Alexander, Cornwall, 100 doe; Christopher Coombs, Benson, 100 doe; Robert Cameron, Salisbury, 100 doe; and Bradley Bertrand, Benson, 91 doe.
Dean Ouellette, Weybridge, 160-4 buck; Charles Sargent, Weybridge, 150-4 buck; Jamie Northrup, Cornwall, 140-4 buck; Brian Webb, Middlebury, 128 doe; Marc Ringey, Cornwall, 128 doe; Charles Rule, New Haven, 123 doe; Harold Doria, Ripton, 117 doe; and William Banfield, Leicester, 116 doe.
Also, Devin Dwire, Salisbury, 115-6 buck; Matthew Bourgeois, Shoreham, 113 doe; Hunter Gale, Salisbury, 110 doe; Joseph Dragon, Cornwall, 110 doe; Charles Torrey, Salisbury, 108-3 buck; John Curler, Middlebury, 107-6 buck; and Paul Gosselin, Shoreham, 104 doe.
Also, Frank Raymond, New Haven, 104 doe; Asa Sargent, Ripton, 102 doe; Douglas Yantz, Middlebury, 102 doe; Randy Butler, New Haven, 101 doe; Paul Deering, Bridport, 101 buck; Andrew Hutchison, Hubbardton, 100 doe; and Gary Perkins, Weybridge, 100 doe.
Also Suzanne Bonneau, Brandon, 100 doe; Calvin Loven, Leicester, 87 doe; Timothy Whitney, Cornwall, 87 buck; David Palmer, Ferrisburgh, 80 doe; Randy Poquette, Ferrisburgh, 74 male; Charles Torrey, Salisbury, 73 female; and Brian Webb, Middlebury, 60 male.
Benjamin Wallen, Orwell, 65 female; Sean Kehoe, Benson, 144 doe; Aaron Collette, Whiting, 118 doe; Cory Steady, Hubbardton, 68 female; Wendell Jennings, Hubbardton, 71 female; Samuel Berthiaume, Middlebury, 128-4 buck and 98 doe; Andrew Lafleur, Pittsford, 92 doe; Kevin Kayhart, New Haven, 148-4 buck and 114 doe; Jeromy Lattrell, New Haven, 141-4 buck; and Brian Jewell, New Haven, 114 doe.
Also, Ray Davis, New Haven, 121 doe; Charles Paolantonio, Monkton, 119 doe; Allen Roberts, Ferrisburgh, 68 male; Russell Davis, New Haven, 130 doe; Pierre Laroche, Benson, 140 doe; Kyle Cousino, Castleton, 133 doe; Zachary Stearns, Benson, 115 doe; Raymond Stearns, Ferrisburgh, 129 doe; and Anthony Bushey, Ferrisburgh, 138 doe.
Also, Dewey Barrows, Ferrisburgh, 136 doe; Andrew Messinger, Ferrisburgh, 154-4 buck; Daniel Flynn, Benson, 113 doe; Tyrell Montani, Benson, 113 doe; Robert Wagner, Benson, 79 male; Paul Wildasin Jr., Waltham, 63 female; Jason Lucia, Bristol, 112 doe; Joshua Baldwin, Ferrisburgh, 141 doe; Sterling Pelsue, Grand Isle, 112 doe; and Paul Jerome, Benson, 131 doe.
Timothy Curtis, Monkton, 125 doe; Christopher Crane, Salisbury, 107 doe; Timothy Wildey, New Haven, 102 doe; Jeremy Lattrell, New Haven, 109 doe; Jeffrey Jerger, Ferrisburgh, 106 doe; Russell Davis, New Haven, 119-6 buck; James Meacham Sr., Ferrisburgh, 100 doe; William Smolinski, Monkton, 151-6 buck; Eric Highter, Middlebury, 131-5 buck; Alex Barrows, Ferrisburgh, 106 doe; Zachary Stearns, Ferrisburgh, 74 male; and Jay Smits, Bridport, 103 doe.
Also, Daryl Tribou, Addison, 122-5 buck; Lucas Livingston, Bristol, 171-8 buck; Shaw Kipp, Addison, 115 doe; Bruce Perlee, New Haven, 108 doe; Kevin Carter, Bridport, 87 doe; Matt Leonard, Ferrisburgh, 132-4 buck; Guy Magnano, Bristol, 103 buck; Eric Campbell, Addison, 106 doe; Seth Gebo, Ferrisburgh, 90 doe; Jason Twenge, Charlotte, 115 doe; Keegan Carter, New Haven, 85 doe; and Tyler Highter, Middlebury, 110 doe.
Also, Justin Donnelly, Ferrisburgh, 120-3 buck; Jay Rogers, Ferrisburgh, 56 male; Christopher Melendy, Bridport, 91 doe; Cory Steady, Waltham, 59 female; Patrick Clark, Shoreham, 92 doe; Devon Campbell, Lincoln, 138-6 buck; Christopher Crane, Salisbury, 92 doe; Ira White, Ferrisburgh, 131-6 buck; Scott Curtis, Monkton, 136-4 buck; Gary English, Salisbury, 111 doe; and Jacob Trombley, New Haven, 106 doe.
BOW: Alcide Gingras, Cornwall, 140-4 buck.
Matt Bartlett, Bristol, 107 doe; Donald Pepe, Shoreham, 162-5 buck; Victor Burbo, Monkton, 103 doe; Jody Brown, Lincoln, 151-8 buck; William Geehan, Lincoln, 103 doe; George Carty, Starksboro, fawn; Nick Lossmann, Bristol, 106-5 buck; Gary Briggs, New Haven, 101 doe; Robert Labossiere, New Haven, 63 fawn, Mark Tierney, Charlotte, 122-7 buck; Larry Marcelle, Middlesex, 84 doe, and Moretown, 93 doe; Jody Brown, Lincoln, 101 doe; and Travis White, New Haven, 65 female.
Brian Ladeau, Benson, 116 doe; Gerald Clark, Hubbardton, 120 doe; Joshua Rochon, Hubbardton, 121 doe; Charles Rockwell, New Haven, 140 doe; Pernell Bedell, Monkton, 112 doe; Justin Malzac, New Haven, 70 female; Jacob Rochon, Hubbardton, 127 doe; Daniel Briggs, New Haven, 121 doe; Leon DeMers, Sudbury, 117 doe; and Donald Pepe, Whiting, 145 doe.
Wilbert Clark, Lincoln, 109 doe; Don Desautels, Lincoln, 107 doe; Brett Sargent, Lincoln, 110 doe; Robert Jimmo, Lincoln, 121 doe; Peter Brown, Lincoln, 153-8 buck; David Brown, Lincoln, 100 doe and 106 doe; Ross Norton, Lincoln, 97 doe; Eric Manning, Ripton, 115 doe; Shawn Laurie, Bristol, 113 doe; Sara Acker, Lincoln, 110 doe; Geoff Booth, Lincoln, 134 doe; Taylor Mason, Lincoln, 60 male; Jeffrey Palmer, Starksboro, 125 doe; Joseph Russell, Lincoln, 50 female; Kevin Berry, Lincoln, 49 fawn; and Matt Brown, Lincoln, 101 doe.
Brent Perkins, New Haven, 120 doe; Pierre Collette, Waltham, 120 doe; Bradley Correia, Addison, 120 doe; and Kenneth Sullivan, Panton, 50 fawn.
Jeffrey Galipeau, Shelburne, 130-6 buck; Steven Filion, West Haven, 110 doe and 100 doe; Michael Donnelly, Panton, 126 doe; Richard Thurber, Panton, 135 doe; Jacques Litch, Orwell, 106 doe; and Joseph Bell, Starksboro, 118 doe.
Todd Huntley, Benson, 113 doe; Dennis Parsons, Shoreham, 145 doe; Lacey Barry, Bridport, 106 doe; Noah Bonvouloir, Rutland, 115-7 buck; Kevin Brown, Castleton, 85 doe; Jim Gill, Cornwall, 124 doe; Joe LaRock, Shoreham, 195-6 buck; Taylor Patterson, Shoreham, 119 doe; Steve Myrick, Bridport, 153-8 buck; Brady Stone, Orwell, 187-4 buck; Michael Dame, Shoreham, 65 female; and Tim Hotte, Bridport, 127-4 buck.
Also, Bruce Bishop, Orwell, 140-6 buck; Bradley Disorda, Orwell, 63 female; John Jackson, Bridport, 120 doe; Ed Lanpher, Shoreham, 136 doe; Jeremy Audet, Orwell, 125-4 buck; Raymond Savoie, Florence, 182-8 buck; Zakk Williams, Brandon, 153-6 buck; Jason D’Avignon, Orwell, 177-8 buck; Jim Booska, Orwell, 151 doe; Bret Williams, Whiting, 105 doe; Jacob Birchmore, Sudbury, 101-3 buck; and Roger Dunn, Orwell, 117 doe.
Also, John Hutchins, Brandon, 135-4 buck; Jeff Booska, Orwell, 156 doe; Tom Davis, Shoreham, 104 doe; Jim Ryan, Shoreham, 91 doe; Glenn Telgen, Shoreham, 194-8 buck; and Dan Gosselin, Orwell, 110-4 buck.
Jason D’Avignon, Orwell, 123 doe; Brett Huntley, Orwell, 102 doe; Dell Frazier Sr., Orwell, 147-3 buck; Bruce Bishop, Orwell, 156 doe; Kerrigan Disorda, Benson, 109 doe; Patrick Fifield, Benson, 124 doe; Bob Almeida, Orwell, 100 doe; Ben Alger, Orwell, 120-6 buck; Dennis Patterson, Orwell, 137-6 buck; Sam Trudo, Sudbury, 111 doe; Derek Clifford, Orwell, 107 doe; Nick Gosselin, Orwell, 112 doe; Darren Ouellette, Orwell, 120 doe; and Ken Lemner, Orwell, 120 doe.
Also, Robert Shortsleeve, Hubbardton, 102 doe; Kevin Stocker, Orwell, 59 female; Miranda Snyder, Orwell, 133 doe; Brian Kemp, Sudbury, 131-3 buck; Ben Wallen, Benson, 114-6 buck; Eric Russell, Orwell, 149 doe; Robert Garthaffner, Orwell, 107 doe; Justin Quenneville, Cornwall, 111 doe; Skip Doane, Shoreham, 181-6 buck; Dan Forcier, West Haven, 125 doe; Steve Saeth, West Haven, 123 doe; Ashley Bishop, Orwell, 63 fawn; and Dell Frazier Jr., 120 doe.
Also, William Alexander, Cornwall, 121 doe; Joe Russell, Orwell, 110 doe; Dakota Euber, Orwell, 125 doe; Mike Shaw, Orwell, 102 doe; Megan Russell, Orwell, 118 doe; Devin Russell, Orwell, 112 doe; Travis Whittemore, Orwell, 119 doe; Caleb Stevens, Benson, 119 doe; Dustin Shaw, Orwell, 131 doe; Jim Gill, Cornwall, 135 doe; Andrew Lanthier, Castleton, 95 doe; Clinton Snyder, Orwell, 112 doe; and Robert Cook, Sudbury, 130 doe.
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