Middlebury Police Log: Man cited for underage drinking
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police responded to a 911 call in the Marble Works complex on Oct. 28 and found an intoxicated 20-year-old man who had recently been assaulted and claimed to not know the identity of his assailant. Middlebury Regional EMS took the man to Porter Hospital. The man was later issued a civil violation for consuming alcohol under age 21.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Responded to a report of van hitting a vehicle on Main Street and then leaving the scene on Oct. 27.
• Assisted McDonald’s restaurant workers with a customer who had refused to leave the premises on Oct. 28.
• Ticketed a local youth for being a minor in possession of tobacco on Charles Avenue on Oct. 28.
• Responded to a report of a pick-up truck intentionally driving into, and damaging, a gate in the MUHS parking lot on Oct. 28.
• Responded to a reported assault at a North Pleasant Street residence on Oct. 29. Police said the case remains under investigation.
• Received a report that a checkbook had been stolen from a Cross Street residence on Oct. 29.
• Assisted Middlebury College Public Safety in investigating a tent that had been erected on college property off South Street Extension on Oct. 29.
• Investigated a missing property dispute filed by a customer against a Main Street business on Oct. 29.
• Ticketed a local youth for being a minor in possession of tobacco on Charles Avenue on Oct. 29.
• Cited Jeremy Myers, 27, of Orwell, for driving under the influence at the intersection of Court and Monroe Streets on Oct. 30. Police said Myers refused to submit to a breath test.
• Responded to a noise complaint at Mister Up’s Restaurant off Bakery Lane on Oct. 30.
• Investigated allegations of youths throwing eggs on Route 7 south on Oct. 30.
• Investigated a report of an MUHS student receiving inappropriate and hurtful messages from a Mount Abraham Union High School student on Oct. 30.
• Responded to a report of a Green Mountain Power truck stuck in the Weybridge side of the Pulp Mill Bridge on Seymour Street Extension on Oct. 30. Police confirmed some damage to the bridge as a result of the incident.
• Assisted a Bakery Lane business in serving a no-trespass notice on Oct. 30.
• Investigated a suspected burglary at a Case Street location on Oct. 30. Police have not yet confirmed whether any items were stolen, and indicated the matter is still under investigation.
• Assisted Middlebury College Public Safety with a woman in need of medical treatment on Oct. 31. Police said Middlebury Regional EMS took the woman to Porter Hospital.
• Investigated a report of a Middlebury Union High School student attending an on-campus event under the influence of alcohol on Oct. 31.
• Responded to a report of a truck driver allegedly driving erratically on Case Street on Oct. 31.
• Drove a drunken man to Rutland to receive detox treatment on Oct. 31.
• Assisted rescue officials with a woman having a panic attack on Court Street Extension on Oct. 31.
• Received a report that a vehicle had been vandalized while parked at a Middlebury College parking lot off Shannon Street on Oct. 31.
• Investigated a suspected “road rage” incident that allegedly occurred on Route 7 south on Oct. 31.
• Launched an investigation, in cooperation with state authorities, into a possible case of exploitation of a local adult on Oct. 31.
• Seized evidence from a vehicle that police suspected to contain drugs on Oct. 31. The vehicle was parked in the South Village Green neighborhood, according to police. Police cited no arrests or confirmed drugs and said the matter was still under investigation.
• Responded to a report of a man allegedly refusing to return a cell phone to his ex-girlfriend on Oct. 31.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS with a man who was having a bad reaction to a drug on Court Street on Nov. 1.
• Assisted Middlebury College Public Safety in dealing with some non-students on campus on Nov. 1.
• Warned a man for violating the town’s open container ordinance on Adirondack View on Nov. 1.
• Investigated a report of marijuana smoke emanating from an Elm Street apartment on Nov. 2.
• Turned an intoxicated man over to a sober friend on Nov. 2. Police said the man was found on Middlebury College campus.
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