
Students of the Week – September 22, 2014

The Addison Independent is proud to publish the Students of the Week from area High Schools each week. The students are chosen by teachers and administration from each school who would like to recognize their exceptional engagement in the high schools they attend.
Middlebury Union High School is pleased to recognize Ryan Biette as its Student of the Week. Ryan is the son of Anne Chabot and Matthew Biette of Middlebury. Ryan’s sister, Elise, is a junior at Middlebury College.
 Last June, Ryan was awarded the Dorey Cup, which recognizes overall leadership, scholarship, moral integrity and athletic ability. Ryan has achieved High Honors for the past three years and is a member of the National Honor Society. He has received American Legion Departmental Awards recognition for world languages (grade 9), social studies (grade 10) and math (grade 11). In addition, he has won the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal and the National Academy for Future Physicians and Medical Scientists Award of Excellence.
Ryan has taken Advanced Placement courses in Calculus, Statistics and U.S. History, and received the AP Scholar Award for excellence on exams. His current AP courses include Environmental Science, World History, and English Literature & Composition.
At MUHS, Ryan is vice president of both the Student Senate and National Honor Society. He is also a coordinator for the Peer Leader Program. After a stellar rookie year of running, Ryan was voted co-captain of the varsity cross country team. He captained JV soccer and lacrosse in 10th grade, and continues to play varsity lacrosse. Off the trails and turf, Ryan participates in Model UN, Design & Build Club and the Scholars’ Bowl.
Away from MUHS, Ryan was elected a senator at the American Legion Boys’ State last year. He was also selected for the New England Young Writers’ Conference and for the Governor’s Institute for Engineering.
Not enough? Need a saxophone? Ryan’s your man: He and his baritone are an integral part of the MUHS Concert and Jazz bands. In summer, he plays with the Bristol Town Band.
Additional volunteer activities for Ryan include tutoring at MUHS, coaching in a “learn to skate” program, and assisting the Solar Decathlon team at Middlebury College.
When his schedule allows, Ryan works spring and fall at the Ralph Myhre golf course; in summer, he is head counselor of the junior golf camps. Ryan fills his very spare time with golfing, skiing, biking and being with family and friends.
Ryan plans to attend a four-year university to pursue a degree related to math and science. Renaissance student that he is, Ryan would surprise no one at MUHS if he also mastered Middle English along the way!
Congratulations, Ryan, for all you have accomplished.
Vergennes Union High School is pleased to recognize Samantha Kepes as its Student of the Week. Samantha lives in Addison with her mom and dad, Janet and Andy Kepes. Samantha has a younger brother, Tyler, who is a junior at VUHS.
Samantha has been on the honor roll every quarter throughout her high school career. She was inducted into the National Honor Society as a junior and she is currently the president. Samantha took both AP Literature and AP Calculus as a junior. This year she is enrolled in AP Language, Humanities, her third year of German, and a dual enrollment statistics class.
While taking challenging academic classes, Samantha has been an active member in student council her sophomore, junior, and senior years. She has also been a math team member since her junior year. This year she is working backstage in the musical, and she is on the Peace One Day committee. Samantha is part of our high school band. She plays the saxophone in symphonic band, jazz band, pep band and elf band.
Samantha has also been part of the varsity soccer team all four years of high school. This year she was selected as a captain. Samantha played JV basketball her freshman year and was captain. She played varsity basketball her sophomore year. Samantha has also been a varsity track team member all four years of high school.
During her sophomore year, Samantha spent two weeks volunteering to teach students in Ghana. Her other volunteer activities include being a referee at basketball and soccer games, a helper at the blood drive held at VUHS, and an usher at Vergennes class night and graduation her sophomore and junior years.
The advice Samantha would give to other students at VUHS is “to have fun in high school because before you know it you will be a senior applying for college. Try new things and get involved!” Lynn Kayhart, a math teacher at VUHS, said, “Sammy Kepes is remarkable young lady. Intelligent, respectful, sincere, hard working and an amazing role model inside and outside of the classroom. She exemplifies the four pillars of the National Honor Society including leadership, character, scholarship and service to others on a daily basis. I know a successful and happy future awaits Sammy. Congratulations and good luck!”
Following graduation from VUHS, Samantha plans to go to college and study psychology. The faculty, staff and students of VUHS wish Samantha Kepes the very best in the future.
Otter Valley Students of the week receive a gift certi?cate from the Book & Leaf Bookstore. Mt. Abe Students of the Week receive a free pizza from Cubbers. Vergennes Students of the Week receive a free sandwich and drink from 3 Squares Cafe. Middlebury Students of the Week receive a free pizza from Green Peppers. Students of the Week from all area high schools will receive a gift certi?cate from Vermont Book Shop.
With support from:
Barash Mediation
Business Telephone Systems
Champlain Valley Plumbing and Heating
Jackman Fuels
JW DE Ryan
Martin’s Hardware
Noonie Deli
Tae Kwon Do KICKS
United Way of Addison County
Vermont Book Shop

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