Middlebury Police Log: Man cited for larceny at Middlebury store
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Timothy E. Edwards, 26, of Bladenboro, N.C., for larceny, following an incident at Mac’s Market off East Main Street on Saturday, June 28. Police said they went to the scene after a store employee set off a panic alarm.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Ticketed a woman for possession of marijuana after investigating a verbal dispute at a Seminary Street Extension residence on June 23.
• Served a temporary restraining order on a person in the East Main Street area on June 23.
• Investigated a report of a dog locked in a car on Boardman Street on June 23. Police said the car had left upon their arrival.
• Received a report about fireworks being set off in the mobile home park at Monarch Court on June 24.
• Assisted two East Middlebury residents who were disputing the ownership of a trailer at an East Main Street location on June 24.
• Conducted a welfare check on a Court Street man after a friend became concerned on June 24. Police determined that the man was not home.
• Investigated a report of a vehicle leaving the scene of an accident on Seymour Street on June 24.
• Cited Nathan Bilodeau, 33, of Middlebury for unlawful mischief on Seminary Street Extension on June 24. Police allege that Bilodeau broke a window on the door of a home.
• Helped resolve a dispute between a foster parent and foster children in the Buttolph Drive area on June 24.
• Ticketed a driver with a suspended license who had swerved off Foote Street to avoid hitting a kitten on June 25.
• Cited Diana M. Degray, 53, of Middlebury for driving under the influence, second offense, following a stop on Collins Drive on June 25.
• Received a bad check complaint from the Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op on Washington Street on June 25.
• Turned over, to a sober friend, a drunken man in the Route 7 South area on June 26.
• Ticketed a Middlebury woman who was driving a vehicle on Jackson Lane with an unrestrained, three-year-old child in the backseat on June 26.
• Served no-trespass orders on June 27 on three people at the request of the Champlain Farms store on Court Street.
• Checked the welfare of a North Pleasant Street woman who was ultimately found safe at her home on June 27.
• Made contact with a juvenile who had been driving a homemade ATV on Creek Road on June 27.
• Investigated the report of stray dogs on Creek Road on June 27.
• Heard from a Route 7 North resident on June 27 who alleged someone had sabotaged his bicycle sometime during the past month.
• Investigated a report of a couple having a verbal argument in a vehicle on Court Street Extension on June 27. Police contacted the individuals who said the issue had been resolved.
• Cited Michelle Chamberlain 48, of Middlebury for domestic assault, following an alleged incident in the Case Street area on June 27.
• Received a report of loud music coming from Mister Up’s Restaurant off Bakery Lane on June 28. Police said the music was coming from a kitchen radio, which was switched off.
• Warned three people to stay out of the street while walking in the North Pleasant Street neighborhood on June 28.
• Ticketed a driver for being in possession of marijuana following a traffic stop on Foote Street on June 28.
• Referred, to the Vermont Department of Children and Families, a report of a local parent aggressively disciplining her child in the High Street area on June 29. Police said the child showed no signs of physical abuse.
• Responded to a report of an allegedly drunken driver in the McDonald’s Restaurant drive-through off Court Street Extension on June 29. Police said the vehicle had left upon their arrival.
• Cited David Polito, 24, of Atkinson, N.H., for driving under the influence, following a stop on Cross Street on June 29.
• Investigated a report of speeding motorcycles on Route 7 South on June 30. Police were unable to find the motorcyclists.
• Inspected a suspicious container left near the gate of the municipal wastewater plant off Industrial Avenue on June 30. Police said the container was discarded trash.
• Responded to a report of a woman overdosing on prescription medication at a Buttolph Drive home on June 30. Police said the woman was taken to Porter Hospital.
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