
Poetry workshop to focus on memorization

MIDDLEBURY — Ginger Lambert will conduct a workshop called “Poetic Methods of Memorization” on Tuesday, April 1, from 7-8 p.m. in the Community Room of the Ilsley Public library in Middlebury.
Lambert was recently published in the March edition of Vermont Maturity magazine. The article, “Some Very Good Reasons to Memorize Poetry,” describes the benefits of learning a poem by heart.
Lambert will graduate in May from Castleton State College with a BS in exercise science. She has combined her love of athletics with an interest in brain health. A triathlete, she describes how her background led her to focus on these areas. Lambert said that her active lifestyle transitioned to a new level when she competed in her first 5K road race. Winning an age group award that day, she has gone on to compete in over 110 races, everything from 5Ks, 10-milers, marathons, and Olympic-distance triathlons. Athletic competition is now an integral part of her life.
Returning to academics helped Lambert to discover the relationship between healthy body and sound mind. “Challenging the brain in new and novel ways is integral to maintaining our cognitive functions,” she said. “One of the most rewarding things I have done in the last couple of years was to return to college as an adult learner. Returning to school has inspired and taught me much about reinventing myself.”
As part of Lambert’s mental health rigor she devotes time each day to poetry memorization, everyone from Dylan Thomas and Frost to Keats and T.S. Eliot. On her blog, fitandhealthybrain.blogspot.com, she addresses issues of health and wellness.
This workshop can benefit anyone — from children to seniors — who wants to improve their memory, self-confidence and focus. Companies looking to improve brain health and wellness among their employees can contact Lambert about her workshop. For more information call 802-343-7160 or email [email protected].

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