Vergennes Police Log: City police deal with minor incidents in quiet week
VERGENNES — Vergennes police dealt with mostly routine matters between Sept. 9 and 15. In that week, city police:
• On Sept. 9 issued no-trespass orders to two women who repeatedly visited the Champlain Farms ladies’ room together and knocked over a display when asked to leave.
• On Sept. 9 calmed an argument between parents and a child behind a Main Street apartment building.
• On Sept. 9 looked into a report of broken windows at the Shade Roller Building on Canal Street and determined the windows had been broken earlier and there was no new damage.
• On Sept. 10 dealt with two truant Vergennes Union High School students.
• On Sept. 10 handled a minor two-car accident on Walker Avenue.
• On Sept. 11 helped a motorist get into a locked car on Main Street.
• On Sept. 11 and 12 notified Green Mountain Power about downed power lines on New Haven Road and South Maple Street.
• On Sept. 12 checked the welfare of a First Street resident, who at first didn’t respond to knocks or yells. On a second visit, police called the Vergennes Area Rescue Squad to help him, and also notified Elderly Services Inc. he may need longer-term support.
• On Sept. 12 tried to find a woman on behalf of Charlestown, N.H., police, but learned she had moved away.
• On Sept. 12 issued court diversion paperwork to an underage driver for driving with a blood-alcohol content of greater than 0.02 percent, and cited a 21-year-old passenger for having an open container.
• On Sept. 13 and 14 three times checked on the welfare of a Main Street resident after Lifeline activations; she was OK, according to police.
• On Sept. 14 dealt with a minor two-car accident at the intersection of Green Street and New Haven Road.
• On Sept. 14 backed up Vermont State Police at a Monkton Road traffic stop in which city police said a motorist was processed for drunk driving and driving with a suspended license.
• On Sept. 15 helped the owners of Champlain Farms arrange for a vehicle that had been left in the business parking lot to be towed.
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