
Middlebury Police Log: Domestic abuse draws police attention

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police responded to a report of a fight in progress at a Seminary Street Extension residence on Aug. 5. Police said they found a man and a woman, both drunk, who had been involved in a dispute. Police said they took the woman into protective custody, while the man was taken to Porter Hospital to meet with counseling service officials because he had threatened to take his own life.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
•Investigated a trespassing complaint at the municipal pool off Buttolph Drive on July 29.
•Responded to a report of a vehicle allegedly forcing other vehicles off the road on Route 7 North on July 29.
•Were informed that someone had stolen a gray Trek mountain bike from the South Village Green neighborhood on July 29.
•Returned, to Porter Hospital, a confused man who had left the building and was standing in the parking lot on July 29.
•Responded to a domestic dispute at a South Village Green residence on July 29.
•Responded to a domestic disturbance at a Seymour Street residence on July 31.
•Cited Ingrid Ecklein, 41, of Middlebury for violating her conditions of release and resisting arrest, following an incident at the Champlain Farms store on Court Street on July 31. Police said Ecklein was lodged at the Marble Valley Correctional Center.
•Helped rescue officials get into an Overbrook Drive residence to respond to a Lifeline call.
•Cited Jacob Wrightington, 20, of Middlebury for retail theft, after he allegedly tried to steal a six-pack of beer from Greg’s Meat Market on July 31.
•Got mental health counseling for a Cross Street resident who falsely complained of a rattlesnake in his building on July 31. Police said the resident also made a false report about someone being murdered in a neighboring residence.
•Assisted an East Middlebury resident on July 31 whose Social Security number had been used to obtain satellite television services in North Carolina.
•Referred, to the Addison County State’s Attorney’s office for possible prosecution, an alleged domestic assault case on Aug. 1. Police interviewed a Rogers Road man who claimed a woman assaulted him. Police took pictures of injuries claimed by both people.
•Investigated a domestic disturbance at a North Pleasant Street residence on Aug. 1.
•Cited William Schwarz, 39, of Middlebury for cruelty to animals, following an incident off Seymour Street on Aug. 1. Police said Schwarz is accused of hitting and kicking a dog.
•Received a report on Aug. 1 of a man renting tools from a Route 7 South business and failing to return the tools or pay the rental fee.
•Investigated a reported assault involving two people at a Seymour Street residence on Aug. 2. Police said neither person chose to cooperate with investigators.
•Broke up a dispute between two family members off Washington Street on Aug. 2.
•Warned a man about the discourteous manner in which he contacted the town’s parking enforcement officer on Aug. 2.
•Responded to a noise complaint in the Marble Works parking lot on Aug. 2.
•Assisted a Cross Street resident who was dealing with some mental health issues on Aug. 2.
•Took into protective custody a very drunk youth who had been running away from Middlebury College Public Safety on Aug. 3.
•Assisted Porter Hospital staff with a patient who was refusing to stay in bed on Aug. 3.
•Convinced a drunken patient to remain at Porter Hospital on Aug. 3.
•Took, to Porter Hospital, a very drunk man who had injured himself falling down an embankment behind the Sheldon Museum off Park Street on Aug. 3.
•Warned a dog owner who had left his animal unattended in a vehicle parked off Seymour Street on Aug. 4.
•Issued court diversion paperwork to some minors who had been consuming alcohol on the Middlebury College campus on Aug. 4.
•Were informed that someone had stolen some items from a Briarwood Apartments residence on Aug. 5.
•Responded to a report of two men yelling at each other on North Pleasant Street on Aug. 5. Police said one of the men was very drunk and was taken to the Marble Valley Correctional Center as an incapacitated person.

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