Vergennes Police Log: City woman cited for selling of heroin
VERGENNES — Vergennes police on July 1 cited Toni Marie Bachand, 25, of Vergennes for selling heroin, and later in the week also cited her for a criminal count of driving with a suspended license and for violating conditions of her release.
On July 1, city police allege that Bachand, while within the city limits, sold three single-use bags of heroin to an informant. That controlled buy was set up following an investigation, said Vergennes Police Chief George Merkel. Bachand, a Second Street resident, will answer the charge in court in August.
On July 5, police said they spotted a car driven by Bachand pull into a Main Street parking lot and cited her for DLS and violating conditions.
In other action between July 1 and 7, Vergennes police:
• On July 1 confiscated drug paraphernalia from two cars parked at the Small City Market after responding to a complaint of loud music from one car there. The second car was searched after police saw paraphernalia being tossed from it while dealing with the car that was the subject of the complaint. Further drug charges are possible against an occupant of the second car, Merkel said, and Vergennes and Vermont State police also searched a New Haven home in connection with the case.
• On July 1 moved a car blocking the intersection of Main and Green streets.
• On July 1 dealt with a minor two-car accident on Main Street.
• On July 1 arrested James Moss, 34, of Clarendon on an outstanding warrant and lodged him at the Chittenden County Correctional Center.
• On July 2 calmed two men who were upset about not being sold alcohol at the Small City Market.
• On July 2 took a drunken man to the Act 1 detoxification center in Burlington after finding him wandering on Monkton Road yelling threats.
• On July 3 cited Spencer Howard, 22, of Vergennes for driving under the influence of alcohol after stopping him at the intersection of Routes 7 and 22A; police allege his blood-alcohol content tested at 0.100. The legal limit for driving is 0.08.
• On July 3 helped city firefighters at a West Main Street home fire.
• On July 3 checked out a fireworks complaint on Second Street, but found nothing.
• On July 3, after receiving an anonymous tip, cited Crista Lee Steady, 38, of Ferrisburgh for furnishing alcoholic beverages to a minor; police allege she bought a 30-pack of Bud Light at Champlain Farms and either gave or sold some of the beer to minors.
• On July 4 went to Orwell to help VSP at the scene of an accident with injuries.
• On July 4 took a drunken man out of a Main Street apartment and turned him over to the care of a responsible person.
• On July 4 began investigating a one-car accident on Panton Road in which a car struck a hydrant and tree; police said charges are possible.
• On July 4 were told by an East Street resident his car had been stolen, but learned that family members had taken away an elderly driver’s vehicle.
• On July 4 arrested David Langevin, 24, of Barre because he is wanted in California on narcotics charges and also cited him for possession of marijuana and ticketed him for paraphernalia possession; all of those actions were taken after they tracked Langevin down after he allegedly drove across and tore up grass at the city-owned Falls Park.
• On July 5 determined a car parked on East Street had not been vandalized intentionally.
• On July 5 took a report that $200 worth of French language CDs had been stolen from a Green Meadow Acres residence.
• On July 5 began investigating the theft of $160 from an unlocked car in the Shaw’s Supermarket parking lot; as of Monday police planned on reviewing security video.
• On July 5 helped VSP by responding to a burglary complaint at a Fuller Mountain Road residence in Ferrisburgh.
• On July 6 checked out a report of a suspicious vehicle behind Kennedy Brothers and discovered a woman cleaning her boyfriend’s tractor-trailer truck.
• On July 6 dealt with a minor accident on Route 22A in Panton on behalf of VSP.
• On July 6 drove a drunken woman to be taken care of at a Waltham home.
• On July 7 picked up a loose dog and took it to the Vergennes Animal Hospital.
• On July 7 helped a motorist get into a locked car on First Street.
• On July 7 twice responded to reports of an arguing couple at a Second Street home; during the second visit police advised the woman how to obtain a temporary restraining order.
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