Ripton preparing for PACE
RIPTON — Ripton officials are getting their town ready to participate in the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program, which provides renewable energy incentives for local residents. With that in mind, the Ripton selectboard recently adopted a PACE program description and guidelines for the program. Efficiency Vermont will administer the program for the town.
The selectboard is considering having the Addison County Sheriff’s Department periodically monitor the town shed in wake of unauthorized dumping of trash at that location between recycling dates.
The Ripton Energy Assistance Program could get a significant boost. Local officials want to build a woodshed on land that the town fire department leases from Ripton Elementary School. The shed would contain reserves of firewood for local residents in need of heating assistance.
Ripton Elementary School directors have had some busy meetings of late. The board is considering a proposal to erect a 56-kilowatt solar power collector to provide a break on electricity bills while providing a renewable energy education opportunity for students.
School directors also OK’d a new bus route that will provide rides to Granville and Hancock students being tuitioned to Ripton Elementary.
The Ripton Elementary Board has hired Natasha Causton as the new Spanish language teacher.
• Richard and Linda LaRoche to Randall Blanchard and Barbara Adkins, a home at 668 Chandler Hill Road, $166,500, June 19.
• Joyce Dicianna to Mark and Barbara Nelson, a home at 289 Elzira Winter Road, $419,000, June 8.
• Gerow-Elmore Estate to Brian and Susan Respond, a home at 1090 Peddlars Bridge Road, $255,000, May 29.
• Frances and Robert Tobia to Michael and Cynthia Seligman, 9.12 acres off Reichert Lane, $60,000, Feb. 9.
• Kathy and Tony Stiffler to Irene Poole and Christopher Wilson, a home at 2812 Natural Turnpike Road, $135,000, Feb. 13.
• Margaret Anne Schley to Alan Mitchell, 3 acres at 1118 and 1135 Route 125, $50,000, Jan. 25.
Shoreham readies
for new town office
SHOREHAM — The Shoreham selectboard has been drawing up a list of firms that it will invite to bid on the new town office project. It was in March that residents agreed to build the new 2,000-square-foot town clerk’s office to replace the current 600-square-foot structure. The project budget is $450,000, of which $290,000 is already on hand; the remaining $160,000 is being floated through a five-year loan.
Resident Phil Kivlin will serve as clerk of the works for the project once it gets under way later this year.
The Vermont League of Cities and Towns has approved the Shoreham Fire Department’s application for $4,631 for safety and turnout gear.
Officials will take steps to discourage illegal dumping at the Lake Street access point to Lake Champlain. Green Up Day volunteers in May reported finding fresh deer carcasses, tires and more than 10 bags worth of garbage at the site, which also showed signs of campfires. The selectboard is considering sheriff’s patrols, surveillance cameras and/or closure signage to discourage the dumping activity.
The Shoreham Historical Society is considering building a storage shed at the town-owned stone schoolhouse property on Route 22A. The society has been running out of space for its artifacts and displays.
Residents have been enjoying the newly renovated and expanded Platt Memorial Library. The library weathered its first big storm on May 29, when more than two feet of water flooded the basement. Thankfully, a vigilant resident quickly discovered the flooding, and the water was pumped out in short order with no major damage to the building or its book collection.
Shoreham’s Highway Department has successfully completed two roadway ditch projects, one on Richville Road and the other on Lake Street. Both projects were funded by grants through the state’s Better Back Roads Program. The purpose of these grants is to prevent erosion and reduce the amount of phosphorus entering Lake Champlain and its tributaries from storm water runoff. Both projects were completed in May. The ditching performed extremely well during the May 29 storm, which subsequently resulted in a federal disaster declaration for Shoreham and several other towns. The Richville ditch award was $10,000 and the Lake Street ditch award was $3,768.
• Terrance and Renee Ryan to Rachel Eldridge, a home at 213 Main St., $150,000, April 2.
• Gail Downie Estate to Stephen Russell, a mobile home at 68 Capital Hill Drive, $99,000, April 20.
• June Sargent to Toby Gay, a home at 258 Buttolph Road, $120,000, May 24.
• Felteau Homes to Roger and Patsy Munson, a mobile home at 1359 Richville Road, $57,900, Jan. 24.
Town plan update
near in Salisbury
SALISBURY — The Salisbury Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, Aug. 2, to go over a draft of the newly revised town plan.
The planning commission will work on bylaw revisions as soon as the plan update process is completed.
Officials are considering re-establishing a “town landfill committee,” as landfill issues have been consuming an increasingly large portion of the selectboard’s time.
A recently discovered leak in the roof of the old town hall building is giving officials a new sense of urgency to plan repairs for the structure.
Selectboard members have also been discussing how to fund maintenance and repairs for the town’s cemeteries.
Representatives of the town’s swim program requested the $1,500 in funding that it takes to run the program. The selectboard voted unanimously to give the swim program an advance of $1,500 for this year.
Salisbury continues to explore the prospect of installing a solar-power array on town or school property. Salisbury Planning Commission member Deb Brighton provided information about solar panels. The school’s annual electric bills are high enough that the school and town could benefit from using solar panels, according to Brighton.
Thirteen kindergarten students are registered for next year. Children must be four years old by Sept. 1, 2012, to attend the pre-K program. There school is limited to receiving a combined total of 20 children for pre-K and kindergarten, barring receipt of a grant that might allow more children to attend.
• Barbara Flowers to Andrew Fillion and Bethany Hallock, 3 acres off Upper Plains Road, $4,900, Jan. 9.
• Robert Patterson to YSF Realty Trust, a seasonal dwelling at 100 Pine Lane, $50,000, Feb. 6.
• Parker Pearlstein Trust to Mark Ionnone, 9.81 acres off Plains Road, $19,140, April 5.
Reporter John Flowers is at [email protected].
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