
Leicester selectboard tackles illegal dumping, taxes

LEICESTER — The Leicester selectboard at its April 2 meeting heard reports of illegal trash dumping on Lower Bullock Road.
Town Health Officer Jim Russo reported that he had inspected the site and found prescription bottles, syringes, receipts from a liquor store and a Rite Aid drug store and three coy dog carcasses. He also found a name in one of the garbage bags on the site.
Russo passed the information on to Gary Urich, an enforcement officer from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.
Urich said he would make sure signs forbidding dumping were posted in the area, and said he would give the dumpers three days to pick up their garbage.
The Leicester selectboard also faced the ongoing issue of delinquent taxes. On April 2, Town Clerk and Treasurer Julie Delphia reported that delinquent taxes owed to the town stood at $72,200, but by April 16 the number was up to $83,000 with the addition of interest and penalties.
Delinquent tax collector Beth Ripley at the March 19 meeting reported that she was prepared to send notices to 12 homeowners who were behind on taxes, warning of a tax sale in July or August in order for the town to collect the money owed. Most of these homeowners owed taxes from several years back.
In other actions of the last few months, the Leicester selectboard:
•  On March 7 voted to enter the High Risk Rural Roads Program through the Vermont Agency of Transportation. The federal program asks states to evaluate the safety of its rural roads. VTrans found Leicester-Whiting Road to be a high-risk area for accidents, and the agency pays towns to complete low-cost safety improvements to roads within the program. The town will review the roads this summer along with members of the Addison County Regional Planning Commission.
•  On March 19 discussed changing the name of Stove Pipe Avenue to Jenna Lane. Town Clerk Julie Delphia reported her efforts to update the road name in both Vermont’s 911 system and the Comcast system.
•  On March 19 and April 2 discussed applying for a matched Cultural Facilities grant from the Vermont Art Council. Grants range from $1,000 to $30,000 and may be used to make facility improvements that would help communities enjoy more cultural events. The selectboard discussed applying for money to fix the aging water system at the senior center or to put in a water filter.
•  At a special meeting on April 9 discussed the new town plan, which is in its final stages. Town officers expressed concern about finishing the town plan in time for the June 15 deadline to receive grant money for the undertaking.
•  On April 16 interviewed Paul Crosby, a candidate for the animal control officer position. The town has had issues with dogs and one pig, but no one to enforce town ordinances. The animal control officer would enforce the town’s dog ordinance and conduct a dog census door to door, as well as respond to complaints about animals in town.
•  On April 23 approved the start of Addison County Sheriff Department summer patrol hours for May 25. The town contracts with the department for 32 hours of patrol in the winter and 64 in the summer.
The following real estate transactions have been recorded in Leicester in the past several months:
•  Nov. 3: Catlin Fox and Anne Claghorn to Andrew and Debra Hogan, 196 acres, house and farm buildings at 2191 Leicester-Whiting Road, $120,000.
•  Dec. 2: Dominggus and Becky Paliling to Michael Moyer, 0.36 acres and house at 1152 Lake Dunmore Road, $174,000.
•  Jan. 27: Susan Bird and Keith Monroe to Jeremy and Caitlin Gildrien, 50.5 acres, house and farm buildings at 490 Delorm Road, $265,000.
Goshen officials talk town forest
GOSHEN — At the Goshen Town Meeting in March, residents marked the 197th anniversary of the first town meeting in 1814.
The selectboard at its March 26 meeting reviewed town roads, including the 1.57 miles of Class 4 roads.
On April 9, the selectboard appointed Ed Hayes and James Pulver to the town planning commission to fill two vacancies.
On April 9 and April 23, the selectboard discussed management of the town-owned forest. There was some discussion about whether maple or oak would provide the more lucrative lumber, and discussion about the high cost of getting equipment in and out if the town were to hold a timber sale.
In response to a question from a citizen, the selectboard clarified that money from the town’s municipal savings account is used to maintain good forestry practice on the town land.
Over the course of several meetings, the town also discussed its municipality insurance plan. Representatives of both the Vermont League of Cities and Towns and Kinney Pike Insurance attended the April 23 meeting to outline their insurance offerings.
Only one real estate transfer has been recorded in Goshen in the last few months:
•  Sept. 29: George Deering to Aaron and Julie Todd, 10.1 acres at 788 Flora White Road, $53,000.

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