Final deer season ends with kills down sharply
ADDISON COUNTY — Sunday’s end of the muzzleloader and bow deer seasons brought no more good news for local hunters than the end of November’s rifle season. The numbers of deer weighed at local reporting stations this month declined dramatically from recent years.
If anything, the drop for the combined results for October’s bow season and December’s muzzleloader and bow season was even steeper.
Not including deer weighed during muzzleloader season at Ferrisburgh’s Mid-State Shooting Sports, which was not open earlier this week, that combined 2011 total stood at 225, far short of the comparative combined bow/muzzleloader totals of 498 in 2010 and 448 in 2009.
The muzzleloader/bow results, when added to the 329 deer weighed locally during November’s rifle season and 110 during November’s Youth Hunting Weekend, bring the 2011 county total for all the deer seasons to 664.
Even a dozen or so deer from Mid-State would make up little ground compared to recent years’ results. (Mid-State results will be printed in a future edition of the Independent when they can be obtained.)
In 2010, 1,021 deer were weighed locally during the four seasons (428 rifle, 95 youth weekend, 498 bow/muzzleloader combined).
In 2009, the number stood at 840 (301 rifle, 91 youth, 448 bow/muzzleloader).
Three years ago, the final count was comparable to 2010; it stood at 1,026.
The owner and manager at Vermont Field Sports in Middlebury said they had heard the statewide drop was running between 20 and 25 percent. The local number represents a decline of about 33 percent from a year ago.
The final snowstorm of this past winter struck the state’s western half with the most force, said Field Sports owner Dick Phillips at the end of rifle season, and the local herd may have been hit harder than the herd elsewhere in Vermont.
Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife officials this fall estimated the state’s deer population had dropped by about 10 percent to around 130,000.
Steve Ploof, owner of East Middlebury’s C&S Hunting Supplies, said officials may be underestimating the toll the past two winters have taken on the herd.
“Personally, I don’t think the deer population is anywhere near that the state thinks it is,” Ploof said.
Like at least some others, Ploof calls for stricter limits on the numbers of deer taken, which he said are enforced in other states, including no does and only one buck a year.
“They’re going to have to do something different. We’ve got bigger and better deer, but we’ve got fewer,” he said. “Make it one buck. You don’t need two bucks.”
But the regulations are just one factor, Ploof said. He agreed with Phillips that the decline of logging has meant less creation of preferred deer habitat, and with the prevailing school of thought that severe winters have taken their toll on the herd.
“I think it’s a combination of a lot of things,” he said. “The hunters were out, but (it’s) the lack of logging, the bad winters we’re having, and I think we’re killing too many does.”
The following hunters took deer to be weighed at county weigh stations. Bucks are listed by pounds and points, and does by pounds; both are listed by town of kill.
MUZZLELOADER: Edmund Brooks, Cornwall, 65-pound female; Kyle Charron, Ferrisburgh, 102-pound, 4-point buck; Paul Wildesin, Waltham, 153-4 buck; Kenneth Sullivan, Panton, 125 doe; Jacques Litch, Orwell, 120 doe; Ray Barrows Jr., Cornwall, 105 doe; Steve Fillion, West Haven, 110 doe; William Sullivan, Panton, 80 buck; Bruce Perlee, Orwell, 119 doe; Russell Bishop Jr., Shoreham, 144 doe; Nathan Thompson, Shoreham, 97 doe; and Chris Lafountaine, Addison, 126 doe.
BOW: Dean Ouellette, Weybridge, 90 doe; Mark Barnes, Bridport, 120 doe, Herbert Glidden, Shoreham, 118 doe, Kaleb Roberts, Shoreham, 122 doe; Brent Perkins, Addison, 105 doe, Kenneth Sullivan, Panton, 130-4 buck; Geovannina Price, Ferrisburgh, 118 doe; and Michael Preston, Panton, 103 doe.
Jerry Butler, Bristol, 151-4 buck; Ronald Devoid, Bridport, 71 buck; Donna Meacham, New Haven, 121 doe; Ryan Smith, Starksboro, 138-7 buck; and Toby Rheaume, Cornwall, 78 doe.
MUZZLELOADER: Bruce Cram, Weybridge, 147 doe; Michael Palmer, Cornwall, 125 doe; Harold Doria, Ripton, 132-4 buck; Clyde LeMay, Bridport, 107 doe; Maurice Rheaume, Middlebury, 155-7 buck; Phillip Williams, Cornwall, 113 doe; William Alexander, Cornwall, 115 doe; Wayne Rainey Sr., Salisbury, 96 doe; and Elwood Martin, Pawlet, 110 doe.
Also, Scott Whitney, Middlebury, 142 doe; Lyle Webb, unrecorded, 100 doe; Blake Webb, Ripton, 142-6 buck; Robert Armstrong, Monkton, 125 doe; Christopher Coombs, Benson, 120 doe; Maurice Racine, Brandon, 110 doe; Jonathan Rule, Salisbury, 100 doe; Terry Aldrich, Cornwall, 96 doe; and Robert Jennings, Ferrisburgh, 87 buck.
Also, Corey Steady, Ferrisburgh, 137 doe; David Wemette, Middlebury, 80 estimated male; Lyle Webb Jr., Ripton, 180-9 buck; Peter Beliveau, Bridport, 127 doe; Paul Scaramucci, Bridport, 70 female; Randall Quesnel, Salisbury, 123 doe; Donald Pepe, Whiting, 125 doe; Dave Palmer, Salisbury, 110 doe; and David Prior, Cornwall, 138-7 buck.
Also, Jason Billings, Cornwall, 111 doe; Brad Bassett, Middlebury, 110 doe; Christopher Coombs, New Haven, 108-3 buck; Roger Curtis, Bridport, 143 doe; Gene Torrey, Salisbury, 91 doe; and James Dragon, Sudbury, 115-5 buck.
BOW: Ben Cayer, Bridport, 103 doe; Dave Dupoise, Lincoln, 85 doe; Darcy Trudeau, Salisbury, 104 doe and 112 doe; Greg Raymond, Salisbury, 113 doe; Charles Sargent, Ripton, 100 doe; and Charles Johnson, Forest Dale, 101 doe.
Also, Philip Williams, Cornwall, 115 doe; Andrew Piper, Leicester, 95 doe; Glenn Telgen, Middlebury, 119 doe; Jacob Wimett, South Royalton, 113-4 buck; and Samuel Smith, Middlebury, 101 doe.
MUZZLELOADER: Tyler Brown, Weybridge, 126-4 buck; Cody Barnum, Monkton, 120-4 buck; Peter Funk, Cornwall, 130 doe; Paris Rinder-Goddard, Middlebury, 72 male; Brian Donnelly, Ferrisburgh, 121-4 buck; Andrea Wernhoff, Addison, 125 doe; Edward Sears, Ferrisburgh, 140-9 buck; and Gary Briggs, Weybridge, 136-6 buck.
Also, Richard Lathrop, New Haven, 150 doe; Kevin Kayhart, Waltham, 182-8 buck; Harold Gosselin, Cornwall, 91 doe; Timothy Flynn, Waltham, 75 doe; Kyle Delabruere, Bristol, 126 doe; Jerry Currier, Orwell, 135 doe; Bob Recupero, Weybridge, 102 doe; Michael Davis, Weybridge, 120 doe; and Denis Dalley, New Haven, 72 male.
Also, Bethany Hallock, Ferrisburgh, 101 doe; Bruce Cheever, Middlebury, 102 doe; Robert Swan, Ferrisburgh, 134 doe; Lanny Smith, New Haven, 115-4 buck; Richard Munsell, Monkton, 147-8 buck; Brian Lavoie, Ferrisburgh, 151 doe; Gary Hallock, Monkton, 149-8 buck; and Ralph Hayes Jr., New Haven, 100 doe.
Also, Randall Gayless, Weybridge, 113 doe; Scott Stearns, Ferrisburgh, 140 doe; Mark Livingston, New Haven, 117-4 buck; Sheldon Steady, New Haven, 104 doe; Stephen Reynolds, New Haven, 106-4 buck; Bronson Leman, Monkton, 120 doe; Ray Davis Jr., Shoreham, 116 doe; and Shawn Freegard, Waltham, 77 male.
Also, Zachary Stearns, Ferrisburgh, 112 doe; Cory Steady, Monkton, 135-9; Leon Fleming, Ferrisburgh, 62 female; Daniel Nugent, Vergennes, 113 doe; Kenneth Ryan, New Haven, 104 doe; and Kyle Cousino, Bristol, 124 doe.
BOW: Robert Begell, Middlebury, 72 doe; Tyler Hall, Bristol, 115 doe; Patrick Needham, New Haven, 100 doe; Wesley Butler, New Haven, 100 doe; Charles Rule, New Haven, 109 doe; Eric Dalley, New Haven, 100 doe; Gary Briggs, New Haven, 123 doe; and Randy Butler, Middlebury, 110 doe.
Also, Erin Dalley, Starksboro, 109 doe; Bruce Perlee, New Haven, 117-5 buck; James Larrow, Monkton, 112 doe; Paul Yantz, Charlotte, 136 doe; Jason Twenge, Monkton, 156-8 buck; Robert Twenge, Monkton, 176-8 buck; Penny Curler, Middlebury, 104 doe; Joseph Pregent, Waltham, 140-8 buck; Pierre Collette, Waltham, 152 doe; Raymond Stearns, Ferrisburgh, 131-4 buck; and Lucas Smith, New Haven, 120-4 buck.
MUZZLELOADER: Shawn Laurie, Bristol, 159-7 buck; Josh Rochon, Hubbardton, 135 doe; Craig Desautel, Rupert, 117 doe; Thomas Kilbourn, Pittsford, 120 doe; and Glenn Gale, Huntington, 122-6.
BOW: Brett Sargent, Lincoln, 100 doe; Darin Griner, New Haven, 56 doe; Ryan Zeno, New Haven, 60 doe; William Geehan, Lincoln, 58 doe; Lucius Cousino, Bristol, 47 doe, Jody Brown, Lincoln, 58 doe; and Wilbur Clarke, Lincoln, 116 doe.
MUZZLELOADER: Eugene Bradford, Ferrisburgh, 65 female; Daniel Barrows, Ferrisburgh, 105 doe; Ray Stearns, Ferrisburgh, 116 doe; and Obe White, Ferrisburgh, 116 doe.
BOW: Scott Curtis, Monkton, 120 doe; Kevin Brennan, Monkton, 77 doe; Eli Cyr, Panton, 112 doe and a 172-8 buck; Andy Gendreau, Ferrisburgh, 112 doe; Jeremy Francis, Bridport, 151-4 buck; Richard Ambrose, Ferrisburgh, 102 doe; Richard Ambrose, Ferrisburgh, 108 buck; Stephen Worth, Ferrisburgh, 118-4 buck; and Obe White, Ferrisburgh, 106 doe.
BOW: Robert Ayers, Huntington, 120-4 buck; John Gillette, Monkton, 128 doe; Kathleen Shangraw, Hinesburg, 130 doe; John Eastman, Hinesburg, 105 doe; Scott Haskins, Hinesburg, 70 female; and Thomas Shampney, Richmond, 90 doe.
MUZZLELOADER: Russell Bishop Jr., Shoreham, 171-6 buck; Jeff Disorda, Benson, 140-4 buck; Danielle Cummings, Orwell, 87 doe; David Fuller, Cornwall, 80 doe; Mark Young, Orwell, 135 doe; Steve Brileya, Shoreham, 140-4 buck; Malcolm Thompson, Dorset, 85 doe; James Carmichael, Whiting, 135 doe; Amanda Russell, Orwell, 146 doe; Glen Telgen, Shoreham, 70 female; Bruce Payne, Cornwall, 119-7 buck; Jeff Bishop, Bridport, 136 doe; Tim Williams, Whiting, 156-6 buck; Joseph Paquette, Orwell, 88 doe; William Alexander, Cornwall, 158-8 buck; Brian Kemp, Sudbury, 145-7 buck; Tony Quenneville, Whiting, 124 doe; Roland Smith, Orwell, 92 doe; Chris Christian, Orwell, 115 doe; Dana LaDuke, Cornwall, 127 doe; Joe Warren, Shoreham, 133-5 buck; Jim Booska, Orwell, 145-3 buck; Roger Young, Orwell, 116 doe; Bob Almeida, Orwell, 102-3 buck; Dan Goslin, Sudbury, 130-3 buck; Russell Bishop, Shoreham, 148-4 buck; Jason D’Avignon, Orwell, 130-3 buck; Jeremy Burbank, Orwell, 138 doe; Lauren Crossman, Orwell, 122-5 buck; John Richmond, Cornwall, 123 doe; Jackie Fyles, West Haven, 78 doe; and Dustin Hutchinson, Dorset, 106 doe.
BOW: Robert Ketcham, Sudbury, 145-8 buck; James Hanson, Orwell, 120 doe; Lewis Lee, Benson, 170-8 buck; William Maloy Jr., Sudbury, 121 doe; Donald Robinson, Orwell, 167-4 buck; Todd Huntley, Benson, 112 doe; Randy Ryan, Orwell, 103 doe; Ronnie Jermond, Sudbury, 96 doe; and Zakk Williams, Whiting, 134-6 buck.
Also, Joe Miller, Orwell, 86 doe; Joe Pouliot, Orwell, 108-4 buck; George Traverse, Orwell, 116 doe; Kevin Carter, Bridport, 128-3 buck; David Hanson, Shoreham, 178-6 buck; Gary Washburn, West Haven, 100 doe; Griffith Mahoney, Orwell, 122 doe; Michael Chicoine, Shoreham, 127-4 buck; Christopher Davis, Shoreham, 111 doe; Timothy Paquette, Shoreham, 102 doe; Thomas Blackbird, West Haven, 96-124 doe; and Ron Parent, Orwell, 181-6 buck.
Also, Christopher Christian, Shoreham, 52 doe; Justin Hall, Orwell, 150 doe; Pierre Laroche, Shoreham, 107 doe; Taylor Patterson, Shoreham, 121 doe; Eric Laroche, Orwell, 107 doe and 118- 6 buck; Joe Larock, Shoreham, 133 doe; Joe Mackey, Cornwall, 100 doe; Ryan Hadvab, Orwell, 124 doe; Ed Bell, Orwell, 186-7 buck; Jeff Disorda, Benson, 130 doe; and Jason D’Avignon, Orwell, 109 doe.
BOW (October half of season): Kevin Haight, Charlotte, 168-8 buck; Tom Bove, North Ferrisburgh, 109 doe and 155-5 buck; Daniel Bourgeois, Charlotte, 107 doe; Carol Brill, Waltham, 70 doe; John Cole, Ferrisburgh, 132 doe; Sidney Barbour, Ferrisburgh, 58 doe; Scott Bruce, Ferrisburgh, 145 doe; Randy Cameron, Ferrisburgh, 118 doe; and Scott Curtis, Monkton, 134-4 buck.
Andy Kirkaldy may be reached at [email protected].
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