Middlebury Police Log: Drunken man cited for open-container violation
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Patrick W. Tracy, 37, of Middlebury for violation of the town’s open container ordinance, following an incident on Main Street on Nov. 16.
Police said they were originally called out on a report of a man putting racist stickers on vehicles and business doors in the Marble Works. Police said they found a man answering that description who they said was drunk and dancing in front of 51 Main St., holding an open container of alcohol in his hand. Police said the man fled when asked about stickers they saw in his pocket.
Police said they caught up with the man, whom they identified as Tracy, cited him for the open container, and released him into the custody of a family member.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
• Assisted a local woman who received a harassing phone call on Nov. 14.
• Investigated a reported fight between a landlord and tenants of a Seymour Street apartment on Nov. 15.
• Took two truant students to Middlebury Union High School on Nov. 15.
• Assisted a local business that reported on Nov. 15 that some of its checks had been stolen and forged.
• Investigated a two-vehicle accident, with injuries, at the intersection of Route 7 South and East Main Street on Nov. 15.
• Responded to an alleged attempted break-in at Woodware on Route 7 South on Nov. 15.
• Received a report of a shoplifting incident at Green Mountain Shoe & Apparel off Route 7 South on Nov. 15.
• Investigated a report of a student allegedly carrying tobacco and possibly marijuana in his backpack at the Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center on Nov. 15.
• Arrested Jason D. Elder, 26, of Bristol on three outstanding warrants on Nov. 15.
• Were informed that someone had stolen two spools of copper wire, valued at a combined total of $923, from a storage container at the Eastview at Middlebury construction site off South Street on Nov. 16. A miter saw was also reported stolen from the construction site on Nov. 17.
• Investigated an embezzlement complaint at a Maple Street business on Nov. 16. Police said someone allegedly stolen $549.
• Responded to a report of an out-of-control student at Middlebury Union Middle School on Nov. 16.
• Investigated a reported fight between seven or eight people on Foote Street on Nov. 16.
• Received a report that someone threw an object through a window at the Congregational Church of Middlebury on Main Street on Nov. 16.
• Assisted Vermont State Police at the scene of a domestic dispute and suicide on Lake Dunmore Road in Salisbury on Nov. 17. As was reported in Monday’s Addison Independent, VSP reported that Gerald “Dusty” Washburn took his own life in that incident.
• Issued juvenile diversion paperwork to two drunken youths on Court Street on Nov. 17.
• Received a report that someone broke the windshield of a car parked in front of the U.S. Post Office on Main Street during the evening of Nov. 17.
• Assisted rescue officials with a suicidal man on Nov. 17.
• Served a no-trespass order on Nov. 17 on a person not wanted at Greg’s Meat Market.
• Cited Mark A. Hubbell, 49, of New Haven, for driving with a suspended license on North Pleasant Street on Nov. 17.
• Assisted Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op with a bad-check complaint on Nov. 18.
• Responded to a report of a student in possession of tobacco on MUMS school grounds on Nov. 18. Also on Nov. 18, police investigated reports of a MUMS student acting disorderly, lewd, and using vulgar language on school grounds.
• Assisted VSP in investigating an attempted break-in at a Cornwall home on Nov. 19.
• Placed into the custody of Middlebury College Public Safety a very drunk student seen stumbling on College Street on Nov. 19. Police said they measured the student’s blood-alcohol level at 0.229 percent. As a matter of comparison, the legal limit for driving is 0.08 percent.
• Cited Erika K. Wade, 20, of Oceanport, N.J., for driving under the influence following an incident off Mill Street on Nov. 19. Police said they measured Wade’s blood-alcohol content at 0.118 percent.
• Received a report about a potentially counterfeit $10 bill being passed at McDonald’s Restaurant on Route 7 South on Nov. 19.
• Cited Ryan N. Hayes, 18, of South Burlington for possession of marijuana, following a stop for speeding on Route 7 South on Nov. 19.
• Responded to a noise complaint in the South Main Street area on Nov. 20.
• Responded to family dispute at a Blake Roy Road home on Nov. 20.
• Investigated a reported family dispute at a Seminary Street residence. Police said it turned out to be a woman “having a verbal argument with herself” after receiving a phone call at her apartment. Police confirmed no other people were inside the residence.
• Cited Nicholas G. Martino, 23, of Middlebury for retail theft, in connection with some alcohol allegedly stolen from Shaw’s Supermarket on Washington Street on Nov. 20.
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