Middlebury Police Log: Incident draws citations for two men

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Francis F. Valiquette, 38, of Middlebury with simple assault and Nikolas G. Martino, 23, of Middlebury for disorderly conduct, following an incident in the John Graham Court neighborhood on Aug. 23.
In other action last week, Middlebury police:
•  Investigated a report of a suspected drug transaction at a room at the Blue Spruce Motel on Route 7 South. Police said they secured two sets of scales and plastic bags at the scene.
•  Assisted a local woman who reported receiving two threatening phone calls on Aug. 22.
•  Were informed that someone had entered an unlocked home on Seymour Street on Aug. 22 and vandalized a room.
•  Were informed that someone had left the Champlain Farms on Court Street without paying for $114 in gas on Aug. 23. Police said the driver’s credit card was denied after he had pumped the fuel.
•  Served a no-trespass order on two people not wanted in the John Graham Court neighborhood on Aug. 23.
•  Responded to a complaint about barking dogs at a Rogers Road residence on Aug. 23.
•  Were informed that someone had stolen a purse from an unlocked vehicle parked off Creek Road on Aug. 23.
•  Served no-trespass orders on two people who were not wanted at a North Pleasant Street residence on Aug. 24.
•  Received a report that a vehicle had been vandalized while parked in the municipal lot on Mill Street on Aug. 24.
•  Were informed that someone had abandoned an all-terrain vehicle on an East Munger Street resident’s lawn on Aug. 24.
•  Investigated a report of a man allegedly trying to sell marijuana to a person traveling by car on Seymour Street on Aug. 24.
•  Assisted a Court Street dentist’s office in dealing with a 9-year-old patient who was out of control on Aug. 25.
•  Cited a local man for driving with a suspended license on Washington Street Extension on Aug. 25.
•  Cited Kaleb J. Gorton, 19, of Bristol for a criminal count of driving with a suspended license on Seminary Street Extension on Aug. 25.
•  Assisted a local woman who reported receiving threatening phone calls on Aug. 25.
•  Ticketed a minor for being in possession of tobacco in the John Graham Court neighborhood on Aug. 25.
•  Investigated a burglary at a Woodbridge Lane residence on Aug. 26. Police said the thief stole several bottles of alcohol.
•  Responded to a family dispute at a Cross Street residence on Aug. 26.
•  Responded to a report of someone “trashing” a man’s Cross Street apartment on Aug. 26. The victim told police he suspected an ex-girlfriend.
•  Investigated a hit-and-run incident involving two vehicles in the Shaw’s Supermarket parking lot on Aug. 26.
•  Responded to a report of a fight between two women at the Turning Point Center of Addison County headquarters on Maple Street on Aug. 26.
•  Received a report that someone had stolen a money bag containing $500 from an unlocked vehicle parked off Bakery Lane on Aug. 26.
•  Took into evidence a wad of cash and a baggy of marijuana residue found off Jackson Lane on Aug. 26.
•  Were informed that someone had driven off from the Middlebury Short Stop on Route 7 South without paying for $12 in gas on Aug. 27.
•  Responded to a noise complaint at the Middlebury Veterans of Foreign Wars post off Exchange Street on Aug. 27.
•  Responded to a report of a fight between a man and a woman at a South Pleasant Street residence on Aug. 27.
•  Cited Walter Robinson, 48, of Middlebury for possession of marijuana, in connection with an incident at the intersection of Route 7 North and Paul Allison Lane across from Hendy Brothers on Aug. 28. Police are also investigating two juveniles in connection with the incident who might be cited for the same offense, according to police.
•  Responded to a family fight at a South Pleasant Street residence on Aug. 28.

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