Bristol planners gear up for September public hearing

BRISTOL — The Bristol Planning Commission held a productive work session at their Tuesday meeting, according to Chairman Tom Wells, moving through the proposed town plan update for the last time before issuing a warning for a Sept. 20 public hearing on the plan.
No one from the public was present at the meeting and all members of the commission were in attendance, including commissioner Kris Perlee calling in from Maine. The only new piece of information introduced was a map from the Addison County Regional Planning Commission that will be included in the town plan.
Essentially, the new map provides a better frame of reference for the new gravel extraction prohibition zone, Wells said.
“The only version we had of the earlier one was the one on the survey itself,” he said. “The regional planning commission created a base map with subdivided properties and streets. It more clearly shows the area in relationship to the density of the downtown.”
A few tweaks need to be made to the map, and Wells indicated that the final map and plan should be online before the September public hearing, where the map will also be exhibited.
Reporter Andrew Stein is at [email protected].

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