
New Haven to replace town hall lift

NEW HAVEN — The town of New Haven will receive an $8,500 federal grant to help pay for replacement of a platform lift at the town hall.
The old lift inside the New Haven Town Hall has been broken for awhile, which is a problem when people who have mobility problems want to attend town meetings, said former Selectman Lowell Nottingham, who has been leading the project.
The grant will pay half of the total cost of $17,000 to install a new lift. The town’s $8,500 is already in the municipal budget for 2011-2012. The town has accepted a bid from Always Accessible, a New Hampshire company that specializes in this kind of work.
“We’re doing this to comply with voting rules,” Nottingham said.
The New Have lift replacement was one of 18 municipal projects across the state that will receive funding to help make polling places accessible, Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos announced last month. In all, $95,217 in grants was awarded to town and city offices and schools.
The federal funds, which come from the Department of Health and Human Services under the Help America Vote Act, are intended to improve voting opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Since 2003, a total of $607,982 in grants has been awarded under this annual program.

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