Green Up Day
ADDISON COUNTY — Green Up Vermont and volunteer coordinators around state are distributing 40,000 green trash bags so that Vermonters can clean up the highways and byways of their towns this Saturday, Green Up Day 2006.
Join the thousands of people who are expected to take an hour or two on this, the 36th anniversary of this unique Vermont tradition, by picking up trash in public areas. The success of Green Up Day depends on the generous support of the many volunteers who help organize the clean up and on businesses and groups that help fund the distribution of the trash bags.
But most of all it depends on individuals in each town pitching in to pick up. The success of Green Up Day is not someone else’s responsibility. Find out what is going on in your town and join in. Local Green Up Day chairs or coordinators and their contact information are provided here:
• Starr Phillips/759-2421. Contact Phillips to receive bags and to coordinate within the area. Bags can be dropped off in the town’s dump truck, which will be parked at the Addison Four Corners.
• James Leary/247-9595. People can meet him at the bandstand on the town park between 8 and 10 a.m. to receive bags and route assignments, as well as coffee and donuts. He is also enlisting residents with pickup trucks to collect the bags afterward. Bags can be found in advance at the town office.
• Susan Highley/758-2714. Bags can be picked up and dropped off at the town green. They will also be available ahead of time at the town clerk’s office.
• Peter Diminico/453-3899. Residents will meet on the town green at 8 a.m. to organize and receive bags. They can leave filled bags by the roadside for pick-up. But participants are encouraged to take the bags to the Bristol landfill, where they will be collected at no charge.
• Vanessa Wolff/462-3138. Bags can be both picked up and dropped off at the town hall.
• Debbie Lalumiere/475-2944. Participants will meet at 9 a.m. at the Ferrisburgh Central School on Little Chicago Road, or they can pick up bags at the town clerk’s office at any time. Bags may be dropped off behind the town garage on Green Up Day.
• Bruce Webster/353-6470. He has enlisted volunteers and assigned them territories covering most of Goshen’s roads. Work will start between 8 and 9 a.m., and there will be a picnic after 10 a.m. at the town hall.
• Town clerk Michael Cunningham/767-4403. Bags can be picked up at the town clerk’s office from Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Bags can be dropped off on May 6 at the firehouse from 8 to 10 a.m.
• Davey Domina/767-4490. Contact Domina for more information.
• Town Clerk Donna Pidgeon/247-5961. Pick up bags at town clerk’s office.
• Jim and Mary Apgar/453-3276. Bags can be picked up at the town office or the Lincoln Store, and they will be available from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Green Up Day at the fire station. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. that day there will be a barbeque at the fire station, culminating with a raffle drawing at 1 p.m.
• Peg Martin/388-7697. Bags are available in the town offices, and the residents should deposit filled bags in pick-up bins on Saturday or Sunday in front of the town offices, at the recreation parking lot near the skating rink, and the East Middlebury fire department.
• Janet Kimball/453-2675. Bags will be available at the town clerk’s office between 8 a.m. and noon on Green Up Day, and they can be dropped off at the Monkton town garage on States Prison Hollow Road. There will be a Green Up spaghetti dinner Saturday evening from 5 to 7 p.m.
• Suzy Roorda/453-5978. Bags can be picked up at the village green between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. A barbeque will also be organized on the green between noon and 2 p.m., featuring the Ridge Runners brass band. Residents can drop off their bags at the town green between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., but if they finish earlier they are encouraged to leave them where they stop so others can continue where they left off. They are asked to separate returnable cans and bottles from trash and donate them to the town’s playground fund.
• Cindy Watrous/948-2751. Green Up bags are available at the Orwell Gas ’N Go, Buxton’s Store, the town clerk’s office and the town garage. Full bags can be dropped off at the town garage any time on Saturday before 3 p.m. Every bag turned in by a child will be worth a ticket for a raffle which will be held at 3 p.m. The Orwell Clean-Up Day will take place at the same time, but is separate from Green Up Day events. Dumpsters will be available for household waste like large appliances, but unlike Green Up Day bags, disposal will come at a small fee.
• Jim and Carol Kress/759-7777. Residents can pick up Green Up bags at the town hall. Full bags should be dropped off at the town garage, where there will be a truck to receive them.
• Warren King/388-4082 and Steven Zwicky/388-2301. Bags will be available at Ripton Country Store, the Ripton Elementary School, the town offices and the recycling center. They can be dropped off at the town shed on Green Up Day and any day during the following week.
• Holly Killary/352-6678. She will be giving out bags and gloves outside Kampersville Store on Green Up Day from 8 to 10 a.m. Green Up t-shirts will also be on sale for $9. Filled bags will be picked up along the roadside throughout the day on Saturday and delivered to the Salisbury landfill.
• Heidi Lanpher/897-2244. Residents can pick up their bags and sign up for a Green Up route at the town clerk’s office. Bags can be dropped off at the Shoreham firehouse on Green Up Day from 8 a.m. until noon, and anyone who does so will have a chance to win a prize. Also during that time, scrap metal can also be dropped off at the firehouse at no charge (except for appliances with Freon or engines with oil or gas).
• Liz Choiniere/453-5883. Bags will be available at the town clerk’s office or at the Jerusalem Corner Store. They can be dropped off from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the town shed.
• Sue Clark/877-3876. Meet at the City Park at 9 a.m. to get bags and assignments.
• Robert Popick/877-3323. Residents can get bags at his home at 498 Route 66 and they can be left on the side of the road by 3 p.m. at the latest.
• Megan Sutton/545-2475. Bags can be picked up and dropped off at the recycling center.
• Larry and Tammy Wilbur/623-7862. Call the Wilburs to pick up bags and get a road assignment. Drop off bags anytime this week at the town salt shed.